Erectile Dysfunction...

..I've heard that yaknow, if ya do a lot of rectal cleansings (yeah - yaknow - if that's your thing..*ahem*) - You're supposed to eat a lot of yogurt. I don't like yogurt. I like TCBY. I wonder if that qualifies? Maybe if one "used" a bit of yogurt in the tract them crazy Russians do with Vodka..

[Eddie Murphy]My ass is a one way street. An exit ramp on the freeway of life.[/Eddie Murphy]
I have no weblink, my gastroenterologist forbid me from eating yogurt when I had gastritis, saying that it made the stomach produce too much acid to digest it.

No wonder we have this simultaneous illegal alien-national healthcare crisis. All the Mexicans are coming up here to get away from your quacks.
No wonder we have this simultaneous illegal alien-national healthcare crisis. All the Mexicans are coming up here to get away from your quacks.

You'll have to argue that with the doctors over here. But I sure as hell healed. In fact, if I eat too much yogurt I get heart burn. I can drink milk, cheese and every milk derivative, except yogurt. For the record I have hiatal hernia.
Mi amigo, that is fricking hilarious.

The Mexican gets heartburn from YOGURT. Is that irony?

Go, eat some thai dragons & you'll feel better.