ESCAPE! The Doors Game


New Member
Remember "The Crimson Room"? Did you manage to escape? Did you even try? Here is a new "escape" game, and I'm still working to get the hell OUT!
I have a "cheat sheet, and will help if you ask nice.

The Doors - Good Game World - Play Puzzle Games & Game Design
ok...i got 2 pieces of paper, the card for R0 and all the pieces and card for R1
now i'm stuck...
The bits of cube (found mostly on the left sides of radiators) make a passkey cube to be used on the slider bits on the left of some doors. One at the phone and one in the fireplace.. making a cube.
R0- 3, R1- 4, R2- 0, 2nd- 5, R3 - 1, R4 -2. Card order for the cross if anyone gets pissed off at the endgame.
Sometime you have to go back in order to move on :D The "upside down room can be tricky, and you need to leave then work your way back. Zoom in a LOT! If it seems out of place, get it. Also, it's important to note the empty spaces on the right in your stash. If a space is empty, fumble around 'til you find it. READ every piece of paper, find the medical report and read it as will give you a hint about the clock.
Spot said:
i give up.

Oh No You Don't!!!

1. Open the bottom drawer in the hallway. Take the card.
2. Facing the drawers, there is a box piece on the lower left pipe on the radiator on the left wall.
3. On the floor, in the end of the hallway (the section behind where you start), is a piece of paper. Pick it up.
4. Open the only unlocked door.
5. On the bottom-left pipe on the radiator is another box piece. Take it.
6. Click on the coat, then click its arm to move it. Take the piece of paper in the pocket.
7. To the right, click on the bottom of the fireplace. Take the box piece on the bottom-right section.
8. To the right, next to the phone, is another box piece. Take it.
9. To the right, under the rightmost cushion on the couch, take the card.
10. Two to the right, place the completed box in the thingy next to the door. Go in.

BEG for more, I'll enjoy it!

11. Click the bottom handle of the filing cabinet. Take the piece of paper.
12. Click underneath the chair at the desk. Take the piece of paper underneath.
13. To the right, click the biggest purple book on the bookshelf. Take the card sticking out of it.
14. Amazingly, there is nothing on this radiator.
15. Notice how on the medical profile the 6:00 is in red. To the right, drag the hour hand to the VI (6:00). Take the box at the bottom of the clock's inside.
16. To the right, before opening the door, click on the lamp. Take the card that is underneath.
17. Now use the box on the lock thing and open the door.
18. This room is really cool. It is upside-down. Two to the right (or left, either one) there is a photograph on the floor. Take it.
19. Recognize the picture in the photo? Go out the door behind the photo and turn left. Click on the picture, then click again to open it.
20. Looking at the photograph, you can faintly see "S-C-A-P-E" written on the bottom. What does the safe keypad look like?
21. Yes, that's right, it looks like a phone (that's what you guessed, right? ...Right?). The combination is 72273. Take the box inside the safe.
unclehobart said:
make a passkey cube to be used on the slider bits on the left of some doors. .
Still trying to figure out what you mean by this... what slider bits?
Oh Kat

Could you help out those poor saps like me who don't want the answer handed to us on a silver platter by hiding it...using a font colour like white or something so that we don't read it accidentally. Puh-lease!

hidded ->>> Pretty please with hot chocolate on top and some whipped cream and a few cherries
MrBishop said:
Still trying to figure out what you mean by this... what slider bits?
To the left of some of the doors is a brown looking 2 shelf knick-knack thingy that the cube fits into perfectly. When the cube is inserted, they slide down.