

Well-Known Member
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Euthanasia or assisted suicide in Greek means "easy death".

There are two types of euthanasia. The first type is the one discussed the most often;

Active euthanasia is the use of tools to induce death; that is, drug overdoses, stopping life-saving devices, poisons, suffication etc...

Passive Euthnasia is when someone stops caring for themselves; that is, they know that they are ill, but stop taking their pills, going to doctors, going to a hospital, when they know taht this will lead to their death.

Euthanasia is talked about in the critically ill or old. When people cannot go on living because of constant pain, because they cannot move anymore, because they cannot think anymore or have no control over their bodily functions.

Would you consider this as a viable option for yourself if you, or someone that you loved, were placed in such a situation?
For myself - If such was the need then yes. Depends on the severity of the disease and the my pain threshold at the stage of life, also taking in my self worth in to account.

For my partner - Not in a million years would i agree but as it so happens that such a decision is under their discretion.
I've told my wife that if I am ever in the position to where I could die, or I could be kept alive but not in a self-sufficent capacity, I would rather die. The really hard part is determining what is self-sufficent.
i have made it abundantly clear to all family members that, should the situation present itself, no extraordinary measures are to be used to keep me alive. if its my time, its my time. my own personal vision of hell is being bed-bound and living off a feeding tube and unable to communicate with anyone around me. i have cared for far too many people like that.
Death with dignity. Yes, I'm in favor. Years ago I learned about the Hemlock Society, a not for profit organization that serves as a clearinghouse for information on assisted suicide, hospices, at-home caregivers, and other services the terminally ill and their families wish to learn more about. They have a new name now, but I can't remember what it is... They are still around though, and as valuable a resource as ever.
PT said:
I've told my wife that if I am ever in the position to where I could die, or I could be kept alive but not in a self-sufficent capacity, I would rather die. The really hard part is determining what is self-sufficent.

I don't think that's what Bish meant. I'm for assisted suicide. I watched a close friend die slowly over almost a year. It was horrifying. His religious convictions wouldn't have let him do it anyway, but if I'm ever in a similar situation, I hope I won't need the help. People who do should get it.
I'm for voluntary euthenasia, even assited.

I watched me grandad die slowly from lung cancer........not nice at all. Even the doctor said that eventually he'd have to perscribe enough morphine to kill the pain that it, and not the cancer, that would kill why did he have to spend months wasting away :eh:

Bish you mentioned Passive Euthenasia......this was a term I'd never heard before but when I worked with disabled people teaching them basic computing I used to see this all the time...........a lot of them just gave up, stopped eating, taking medication......some even became so intreverted they stopped communicating with anyone :eh:
i was real confused for a minute cuz i thought i was having a deja vu thing.....anyway, i am totally for assisted suicide for terminally ill people. absolutely.
I'd euthanize my dog if he couldn't live a day without pain and struggling. I don't see a difference with humans. If that person is ready to go, then why not?
bleach said:
Bish you mentioned Passive Euthenasia......this was a term I'd never heard before but when I worked with disabled people teaching them basic computing I used to see this all the time...........a lot of them just gave up, stopped eating, taking medication......some even became so intreverted they stopped communicating with anyone :eh:

In some cases, it's something as little as stopping your insulin injections. I used to work for a hospital in montreal that deals with the insane (Volunteer). One woman didn't want to live in an assylum anymore, so she refused to take her insulin. She'd get rid of it and replace it with water, to inject in front of the staff. She had been fighting cancer as well as being in an assylum, and knew that she would never taste freedom again, I guess...she had a stroke. Died two days later.
chcr said:
I don't think that's what Bish meant. I'm for assisted suicide.

Yeah, probably not, but it's related. If I end up alive, breathing, heart pumping, but the brain shows no activity, then I hope someone has the balls to use a great big hypo full of morphine.
as I have said in other threads on this: I am for it if its what the patient wants. noone should make decisions for others so in that case Im for it.
I beleive in a person, who is clear of mind, to decide what they shoudl do with their life.

I am afraid of not being clear of mind, so I have a mandate (living will) that no life prolonging measure will eb used on me if there is no hope.

I also would use a kevorkian machine is I was in pain, or had something that would seriously disturb my mental functions. eg. Alzeimers
i have a living will as well. and this is a little off topic but oh well,
i have also told my husband that when i die i want to donate my body to science. no viewing, no burial, no tombstone to waste your life visiting. just one big wake. get it out of your system all at once. don't pine away after me or lay flowers on my grave. my bones may be there but thats not me.
my husband hates this idea, but i am steadfast. always have been.
and ironically enough, i married a man who's mother lost her husband and pined away her life and all that. i wonder what he'll do if ever faced with the situation?