Even Feinstein has her good points


Well-Known Member
If she pulls this one off... well, I don't think it would make me actually vote for her next time she's up for re-election... but at least I think now she might actually have the best interests of her constituents at heart, even ones in a part of the state that by and large didn't vote for her.

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - Sen. Dianne Feinstein will have Fresno on her mind during a visit to Japan at the end of August, her spokesman said.

Feinstein will push Fresno as the site for a major Toyota plant when she speaks to high-level company officials on Aug. 31, during a visit to Japan, said Feinstein spokesman Howard Gantman.

She will bill Fresno as a good place to build Toyota's hybrid car, the Prius, which has been in high demand since gas prices went up.

Until now, the Prius has been built only in Japan. But with demand for the fuel-efficient model rises, there have been rumors that the company is considering building it in the United States.

A Fresno plant would create hundreds of jobs in an area that has one of the state's highest unemployment rates - possibly as many as 2,000 jobs, said Mark Cornelius, an analyst with Morgan & Co., which analyzes data for automobile plant suppliers.

Basing the plant in Fresno would be a change in direction of auto manufacturing, Cornelius added. Automakers have preferred to build in the Southeast, where cities can give them ready-made sites and tax incentives, Cornelius said. Also, he said, most suppliers are in the Midwest, and manufacturers often want to be centrally located.

Not only would it create a lot of jobs, the jobs it would create wouldn't be your low-wage Wal-Mart cashier and night stocker positions.
Hey, I got the h-e-double hockey sticks out of Fresno. None of my pollution gets shipped to Bakersfield. :D

I just posted this because of the jobs a Toyota plant would bring. Besides, it's not like Fresno can get much more polluted... and it would be ironic if a hybrid car plant were the cause of big pollution problems.
Inkara1 said:
Hey, I got the h-e-double hockey sticks out of Fresno. None of my pollution gets shipped to Bakersfield. :D

I just posted this because of the jobs a Toyota plant would bring. Besides, it's not like Fresno can get much more polluted... and it would be ironic if a hybrid car plant were the cause of big pollution problems.

So how's that plant coming along? :devious:
Um no mebbe if GM didn't start every year with a
5.8 BILLION dollar bill for benefits it could whip the
snot out of the other car manufacturers

yep the lawyers Liberals and the UAW have killed the U.S.
auto industry and most manufacturing in this country

that's OK, the overseas folks love having those jobs while we become
a "service economy".

"Would you like fries with that?"
GM's failing because it can't come up with a new and interesting car to save its life. Its the same boring old shit years after year, while Japan comes up with new innovations all the damn time.

Financially...yeah, they have health care etc etc... but they're also pouring Billions into dealer incentives and buyer rebates to try to get market-share... which they aren't getting.

Here's a hint, GM! Don't plop another brown penny into developing SUVs and heavy duty pickups. Build what you've got.

Work on a fuel efficient or bio-energy alternative to Japanese models.

Oh...and f'r crissakes... merge some divisions in order to reduce management costs, beurocracy and paying three people in different places what one person can easily do in one place!

**Edit: Oh...almost forgot. Do something about your unions.
MrBishop said:
GM's failing because it can't come up with a new and interesting car to save its life.

Nope. GM is failing because they are paying the past with the future, leaving today to fend for itself.

Much like social security, the system broke down when people decided to outlive their usefulness. SSA was designed as a widows fund, disguised at hope for the future. In the 30s, 1in25 (generalized reasonable guess) men lived to see 65. 2/3 of their wives lived to see 68. Today, over 60% (probably closer to 90%) see 70.

GM is paying the medical bills of people who should be dead. Lots of them. The cars are selling well enough. Although, when your company spends a year giving everyone "employee discounts", it'll take awhile to get back to real profitability.
I'm sure glad that what you see happening to GM isn't
exactly what is happening to America at large, no wait! Doh!
get rid of 5.8 billion dollars of overhead
for people who are no longer contributing to the company
and spend it on
engineers to make better cars
or lower the price
or keep making crappy cars at higher prices
and pay it to the people werkin’ there now?

nah let the American auto industry go in the crapper
like all the others

can you buy a computer motherboard or TV made in the U.S.A.

I thought not!

No more American cars?

Will the space shuttle of the distant future say:
“made in China” on the side?
Winky said:
have killed the U.S.
auto industry and most manufacturing in this country
Many "foreign" cars are manufactured in this country. Many "domestic" cars are manufactured in other countries. Hondas built in Ohio and Fords built in Mexico...etc.

Which is an American car?
flavio said:
Many "foreign" cars are manufactured in this country. Many "domestic" cars are manufactured in other countries. Hondas built in Ohio and Fords built in Mexico...etc.

Which is an American car?

Whichever one the American is driving?