Out-freaking-standing OTC member
People are refusing to accept responsibility for their crimes...
The parents should share blame with the son...
I've watched violent cartoons, played violent games, and such, all my life. I've never taken it into my head to kill anybody. I had this thing called a conscience, and had an emotion called guilt, and a little something called responsibility thrown in. Both my parents worked for at least half my childhood, and the worst trouble I ever got into was underaged drinking (my father took care of that one). What are we teaching our youth today if we blame everything but our lousy parenting, or our society in general...
Parents of murdered teen blame death on 'Manhunt'
Updated: 7:48 p.m. ET July 29, 2004
LONDON - Britain’s biggest electronics chain, Dixons, pulled the graphically violent video game “Manhunt” from its shops on Thursday after parents of a teenage murder victim blamed the game for the killing of their son.
The parents should share blame with the son...

I've watched violent cartoons, played violent games, and such, all my life. I've never taken it into my head to kill anybody. I had this thing called a conscience, and had an emotion called guilt, and a little something called responsibility thrown in. Both my parents worked for at least half my childhood, and the worst trouble I ever got into was underaged drinking (my father took care of that one). What are we teaching our youth today if we blame everything but our lousy parenting, or our society in general...