Even the NY Times


molṑn labé
Staff member
Recognizes the fact that the Jews have been home in the middle east for eons.

BAGHDAD — “I have no future here to stay.”

Written in broken English but with perfect clarity, the message is a stark and plaintive assessment from one of the last Jews of Babylon.

The community of Jews in Baghdad is now all but vanished in a land where their heritage recedes back to Abraham of Ur, to Jonah’s prophesying to Nineveh, and to Nebuchadnezzar’s sending Jews into exile here more than 2,500 years ago.

Just over half a century ago,
Iraq’s Jews numbered more than 130,000. But now, in the city that was once the community’s heart, they cannot muster even a minyan, the 10 Jewish men required to perform some of the most important rituals of their faith. They are scared even to publicize their exact number, which was recently estimated at seven by the Jewish Agency for Israel, and at eight by one Christian cleric. That is not enough to read the Torah in public, if there were anywhere in public they would dare to read it, and too few to recite a proper Kaddish for the dead.


Question is:
Where is the news coverage of the muslims killing their Palestinains brothers? If a Jew doesn't kill 'em, it's ok?
maybe if you continue to show your smarts and "go team" loyalty through posts like this, some poor,childless israeli family will adopt you.

yes, the ny times is smart enough to understand that there have been pockets of jews in the middle east. there's pockets of jews in india, china, well, shit, pretty much EVERY FUCKING PLACE on the earth. maybe the first step to joining the team is learning a little history?
the presence of a few people does not a "homeland" make. especially according to your own bullshit rules that appear to require the formation of a nation-state for recognition of a people. i wonder, did germans actually exist before the 19th century?
As soon as they got off their ass there was. Of course, they didn't tell the UN that they didn't want no stinking official land/government.
nation state. not "random something with a name." is "east thuringia" a people? gonz would say no... assuming - and this is a huge assumption here - any form of logical consistency.

think germany and italy and when they became "united." let's see, germany came into being in what, the late 19th century? and italy became a unitary body when? the south was more or less the land of barbarians until fairly recently. italy was owned and occupied by a zillion different parties and powers, including, to their great shame, the frogs. try telling italians that they ain't italians. and try telling the fuckers that tended an olive press that their grandfathers did in rahmallah that they ain't palestinian. well, gonz would, because he's got some bizarre ideological attachment to a people that would laugh at him, but the rest of us obviously don't need to make that mistake.
appalachia has not existed as a formal state or even a "nation" in the 19th century sense but try telling thems appalachians what they are/aren't or that they don't have historical ties to their lands. and they haven't even been there that long in a grander sense.

your logic is essentially that it's fine to bulldoze them if there's no formal state. tell you what. i'll pay for your gas to get down there. you go and try to convince some folks in the hollers that they ain't what they think they is, and tell 'em you wanna build condos there.
appalachia has not existed as a formal state or even a "nation" in the 19th century sense but try telling thems appalachians what they are/aren't or that they don't have historical ties to their lands. and they haven't even been there that long in a grander sense.

your logic is essentially that it's fine to bulldoze them if there's no formal state. tell you what. i'll pay for your gas to get down there. you go and try to convince some folks in the hollers that they ain't what they think they is, and tell 'em you wanna build condos there.

I think that's something S'n'P would pay good money to watch.