Ever get that feeling you can't help yourself


molṑn labé
Staff member
Well, another fine example of nothing being your fault.

Genes may help determine how religious a person is, suggests a new study of US twins. And the effects of a religious upbringing may fade with time.

Until about 25 years ago, scientists assumed that religious behaviour was simply the product of a person's socialisation - or "nurture". But more recent studies, including those on adult twins who were raised apart, suggest genes contribute about 40% of the variability in a person's religiousness.

New Scientist
SouthernN'Proud said:
Science thinks it can answer anything, yet they still can't explain a freakin' platypus.
Well, actually...

I just find it hilarious that we seem to be genetically predisposed to believing whether or not we're genetically predisposed. :lol2:
"If [platypuses] were on the Ark they obviously swam and walked here from Mt. Ararat. This would have taken years, even centuries.

Umm....Mr. Scientist? Sir? If a platypus can swim, it didn't need to be on the ark, idiot.
Umm... Mr. SnP sir, that wasn't the scientist.

The creationist explanation for this unusual distribution is that

"If [platypuses] were on the Ark they obviously swam and walked here from Mt. Ararat. This would have taken years, even centuries. The platypuses could have used any land bridges that existed between Asia and Australia as a result of the drastic lowering of sea level during the ice age subsequent to the flood."

Thanks for helping make my point though. ;)