Ever notice how much bigger we Americans are..

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Not just taller and fatter but stronger. We have become large people all the way around. It seems like the Japanese are quite larger than they were 50 years ago as well. I'm 5' 10½", I worked as a laboror from the age of 18-25 and even then it was almost impossible for my weight to dip below 180 lbs. That was with with 10hrs a day of extreme physical labor. Yet i see laborors from other nations who are 5'8" and look like 140lbs or my height and 160lbs. My dad was a lifetime laboror doing the exact same work i did for those few years and at 6' never passed 165lbs.You just know we have ridiculuus concentrations of steriods in our food these days.
It's cause we eat so much. That or the radiation that's permeating out of every crack in american soil, I'm not sure.
HeXp£Øi± said:
You just know we have ridiculuus concentrations of steriods in our food these days.

[note: my wife pointed this out] How much earlier girls are developing breasts.When I was 12 yrs old ,maybe one girl had breastesses ,now days the developed ones looked to be 8-10yrs at most. Now when the boys start growing boobs I'll really be worried ,but this is still an obvious result of stuff thats being fed to animals filtering down the food chain.
*cough* all that fucked up antibiotics, hormones, and crap they feed the cows and chickens... Oh and milk... You'd think that a liquid that was intended to take a 300 lbs calf to 2,000 lbs in three months would cause a similar effect in humans...
The other day i read a study that proved that consuming milk moderately (1 glass in the morning and another in the night) helps you lose weight.
Luis G said:
The other day i read a study that proved that consuming milk moderately (1 glass in the morning and another in the night) helps you lose weight.
This study paid for by the dairy producers of Washington State

;) j/k
A.B.Normal said:
Luis G said:
The other day i read a study that proved that consuming milk moderately (1 glass in the morning and another in the night) helps you lose weight.
This study paid for by the dairy producers of Washington State

;) j/k

I'm pretty sure it was Wisconsin.
Me too. A few months back i discovered that i was literally drinking a gallon of milk a day. I cut way back when i realized i was doing it. It's like i forgot water existed or something. You'd think i'd have swelled up like a baloon at that period in time but i was probably eating less because my fat intake was so high..
a mate of mine went over to the us for an interview and found himself saying things like 'do you have a low-fat option' in cafe's because everything came as 24oz steaks or stacks of 72 pancakes with butter, syrup, sugar, more syrup and some more pancakes.

would he like a refill for his coffee? no thanks i can swim in the current 4 gallon cup.

he's not a small bloke and can pack the food away but he was pretty sure where all the big fat people in the us came from - eating mundo sized portions.
PuterTutor said:
It's cause we eat so much. That or the radiation that's permeating out of every crack in american soil, I'm not sure

not jsut that. its also what we eat. in larger porportions
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