Ever notice how much bigger we Americans are..

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HeXp£Øi± said:
Milks good for ya. Probably the reason i've never broken a bone.
Nah, I never drink milk (disgusting stuff) and I've never broken a bone either. And I have never had a cavity in my teeth either. No fluoride in my water, no fluoride toothpaste for me, and no milk, no calcium supplements, no vitamin supplements, nothing... and no broken bones or teeth.
We eat sooooo much compared to the rest of the world. I remember recently when i went out to dinner with my wife she was amazed at the 'little' kids sitting across from us eating like 10lbs of food. I guess its not so common in Europe, she was shocked to watch these 'little' fat kids eat as much as their parents. These kids were only about 5 or 6. They must have weighed at least a 100lbs too. I wasn't really shocked, but it does explain things. I'm not that small myself 6' 210lbs and I have trouble to eat everything they serve when I go out. Our portions are enormous compared to other countries. I'm reminded of this every time I go to an Italian resturant. I need to eat 3 or for meals to equal one 'normal' sized meal :D

We eat way too much!
milk is supposed to be good for teh bones but if you keep in shape youll have strong bones. i personally like milk.
My mother always used to complain about always running out of milk... I don't remember how much it she used to buy but I do remember having it with cereal every morning and at least two glasses at night. Multiply that by six people in the house, that's a hell of a lot of milk. That was before the days of 2% and 1%, all you had was the regular stuff and *shudder* skim. :sick:

Now I drink 2% or 1% and it's my drink of choice when eating anything spicy or any pasta with sauce or pizza. :licklips:
Nah, I never drink milk (disgusting stuff) and I've never broken a bone either. And I have never had a cavity in my teeth either. No fluoride in my water, no fluoride toothpaste for me, and no milk, no calcium supplements, no vitamin supplements, nothing... and no broken bones or teeth.

Just because a pure man such as yourself doesn't drink it doesn't mean it isn't any good. It does a body good dontcha know?
the dairy fairy came in my sleep and indocrinated me :nuts2:

i hardly drink milk, just plain dislike the taste.
My wife has to have a glass of milk every night before bed, she won't get to sleep without it. With our kids, we go through about a gallon a day, and I only drink it when we have certain foods. Spagetti, stuff like that.
ris said:
the dairy fairy came in my sleep and indocrinated me :nuts2:

i hardly drink milk, just plain dislike the taste.

Try it in some drinks called
Alfonso XIII
Silk Socks (??, we call that Medias de Seda).

Don't know if those are international drinks, but they sure taste nice :D

Ohh, and Kahlua, but i like it in white russian (yet another drink) :headbang:
i can bear it with cereal but straight it's yeuch. i've yet to get on well with creamed alcoholic drinks although i am partial to the odd milkshake, provided it is heavily flavoured and full of ice cream :licklips:
I <heart> milk.

Used to drink two pints and eat two bananas after hockey, every day without fail. :)
i'm drinking phull phat milk along with gym work. i eat enough bananas every day as it is, work pretty much hands them out for free.

i am a zoo animal, obviously.
I was being facetious Jeslek. It just so happens that milk is one of the healtiest drinks around. Which is why every mammel on earth produces it for their offspring. I've yet to see a study that proves otherwise and the fact that you have good teeth is hardly going to prove to me otherwise. Now stop making yourself out to be a greek god, it's silly.
I grew up on a farm with cows. The first time I drank milk from a carton (kindergarten) I thought someone had mixed it with water. I don't know if I could drink the raw stuff anymore (I drink 2% now) but I still remember that ice cold earthenware pitcher in the fridge with fondness.
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