Evolution... good, bad or ugly?

If you've noticed, though, most 'specialized' species are extinct. Human beings are generalized. We're not great at anything except intelligence. Even then, it is debatable between individuals. The route to dominance is not specialization...it's generalization. ;)
let's assume Cristian Creationism is truth, i have a few questions.

If Adam and Eve were the same race, why do we have black, yellow, white, redheads, caucasians, etc races??
Even if they weren't same race, how is it that in only 10,000 years we have all human races?
According cristian law, incest is forbiden, yet, Adam and Eve only had boys, do we happen to have a mother and a grandmother?
Luis G said:
let's assume Cristian Creationism is truth, i have a few questions.

If Adam and Eve were the same race, why do we have black, yellow, white, redheads, caucasians, etc races??
Tower of Babel, when the people fled each other...

According cristian law, incest is forbiden, yet, Adam and Eve only had boys, do we happen to have a mother and a grandmother?
Um, Christianity started about 33 AD, with the crucifiction of Jesus. Judaism started about 2,200 BC, with Abraham. Before that, God didn't gave very little laws. In the time of Adam, before Noah, God DID NOT forbid incest.

Oh and where did you read the Adam and Eve only had boys? :confuse2:
We're not great at anything except intelligence. Even then, it is debatable between individuals.

I agree with the second part of that statement. Given the current world situation I'd say the opposite of the first part is true. We may be born with it but the majority of people don't appear to use it.
PuterTutor said:
LastLegionary said:
Oh and where did you read the Adam and Eve only had boys? :confuse2:

Where did you read about their daughters? :confuse3:
You don't. But did you ever read that your great-great-great-great-grandfather had a son? Not reading about it doesn't mean it didn't happen...
Tower of Babel:
yet, from where do all that people came from, they should have come from Adam and Eve.

my bad, the only known sons are Abel, Cain and Set, although Adam and Eve had several sons and daughters (according to Genesis).
Still, incest is made with the parents or brothers.
Luis G said:
Tower of Babel:
yet, from where do all that people came from, they should have come from Adam and Eve.
they did...

my bad, the only known sons are Abel, Cain and Set, although Adam and Eve had several sons and daughters (according to Genesis).
Still, incest is made with the parents or brothers.
incest wasn't wrong back then. :)
LastLegionary said:
Luis G said:
Tower of Babel:
yet, from where do all that people came from, they should have come from Adam and Eve.
they did...

my bad, the only known sons are Abel, Cain and Set, although Adam and Eve had several sons and daughters (according to Genesis).
Still, incest is made with the parents or brothers.
incest wasn't wrong back then. :)

Musta been working like bunnies.
Luis G said:
LastLegionary said:
Luis G said:
Tower of Babel:
yet, from where do all that people came from, they should have come from Adam and Eve.
they did...

so did they happened to "evolve" from Adam and Eve races? ;)
Um... different races? Humans are humans, whether black or white, Chinese or western... One race.
whatever you want to call it, how did we obtain so many flavours from Adam and Eve?
Luis G said:
let's assume Cristian Creationism is truth, i have a few questions.

If Adam and Eve were the same race, why do we have black, yellow, white, redheads, caucasians, etc races??
Even if they weren't same race, how is it that in only 10,000 years we have all human races?
According cristian law, incest is forbiden, yet, Adam and Eve only had boys, do we happen to have a mother and a grandmother?

Races occur through the adaptation (not evolution) of a species to other parts of the planet. Diet, environment, and seasonal changes are all part of the theory of adaptive morphology.

As for the incest....during biblical times, female children were not mentioned unless circumstances (heroism or infamy) required it. I'm not saying it was right to do that, but that's the way it was. Also...incest was not part of Christian law until there was Christianity. History goes back farther than that. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Races occur through the adaptation (not evolution) of a species to other parts of the planet.

do you realize that evolution is based on adaptation?
Yes I do. But if you place a man from 10,000 years ago next to a man born today, you wouldn't notice the difference because, for all intents and purposes there isn't any.
Back to modern man...If man was evolving as most believe, then the differences between the races would be a hinderance to breeding. The same reason why a man can't breed with any other primate would exist. What you're suggesting is that our adaptation to our respective environments is giving us fundamental changes in our genetic structure. If that was the case, any children born that were multi-racial would be sterile. We know that this isn't the case. If you want to know where I got that, I got it from the fact that you can breed a horse and a donkey, and the off-spring will be sterile. Same with cross-breeding lions and tigers (tricky but doable). That's because the genetic lines are very similar...closer than our genetic make-up is to the other primates.
what about different dog races?

children born out of different races are not sterile because we still share more than 99% of the genetical code, we just have subtle differences made by evolution, in order to have totally different species of men, we would need at least 1 million years, of course all men will most likely evolve into another specie because our society is multiracial and we have the capabilities of easily emmigrate.
Different dog races? There is only one dog species, if that's what you're referring to. We also share 99% of our genetic code with the chimpanzee, but we can't interbreed. We're 2 different species. Our differences are less from evolution and more from adaption than you think. Lions and tigers are different species. So are horses and donkeys.
by the way you talk i assume race and specie is the same in english.

Dogs are dogs, yet, you can breed dogs out of a grand danesse and a rottwëiler (different races same specie).

btw, i said more than 99% of the genetical code like in 99.99998% (aka almost 100%)
Okay. We're on the same page now. ;)

Simple fact is, you can find that much genetic variation between 2 people of the same race and the same family. Even in identical twins. However, we are the same species, as in human. Dogs, no matter what breed (race) are still canines. In fact, there is no difference between a dog and a wolf genetically.