Excel question

Spirit's Slave

New Member
I'm working on a spreed sheet and I want parts of it set up so that what ever I type in one cell it will automatically change in another.

eg: In cell FF4 I type in "15". I want cell D20 to change to "15"

How do I do it?
Set the formula in cell D20 to "=FF4" (without the quotes). it'll automatically change to reflect whatever's in FF4.
that or $FF4 if you want to lock the formula, in case you want to copy paste and it doesn't update the column/row to which it is pointing.
Or I could go get star office or open office. Gotta have a spreadsheet proggy, though. I'm not breaking out the ledger paper.
HomeLAN said:
Or I could go get star office or open office. Gotta have a spreadsheet proggy, though. I'm not breaking out the ledger paper.

HL have you ever tried Medlins GL?


My unc used to work for the IRS (retired) and keeps quite a few books still.
Medlin is his main tool. ;)
Never have, mostly because the price for what I do use is acceptable, and the updates to things like payroll rates are dependable as hell.

I'd like to be secure in the knowledge that my software will be properly updated for things like the new 941 form next year.
OpenOffice.org works pretty well.

I'm no heavy msoffice user (in fact I use LaTeX for making documents), but it opens and saves succesfully to office files. And the interface is quite similar.
HomeLAN said:
Never have, mostly because the price for what I do use is acceptable, and the updates to things like payroll rates are dependable as hell.

I'd like to be secure in the knowledge that my software will be properly updated for things like the new 941 form next year.

MY unc uses MS Money for some of what he does.
He said there's something there where you can just print your own
tax forms right off of it, or when it hooks to the inet or something.
For some of them, yes. I've always wondered just how careful they are keeping some of that shit up to date, though. The last thing I need is a red flag for a payroll tax audit.