Exporting America

alex said:
My point was: companies are sending jobs overseas for cheaper labor at our expense.

Those same companies hire here in the US, too. Companies have done that for as long as I can remember. If something is too expensive 'in-house', then you've no choice than to go outside your company. :shrug:
alex said:
My point was: companies are sending jobs overseas for cheaper labor at our expense.

Then you don't buy their stuff, and you force them outta business. That's how capitalism works. Remember "buy the Union Label"? Same diff.
Companies are sending jobs overseas to lessen our (and their) expense. We want it cheap & most American manufacturing is unionized which means they overpay the worker & they overcharge the end user.

My kids job is to do well in school until he graduates college. Then he has a new job which isn't my problem.
Gonz said:
Companies are sending jobs overseas to lessen our (and their) expense. We want it cheap & most American manufacturing is unionized which means they overpay the worker & they overcharge the end user.

I disagree that most American manufacturing is unionized....but that's one scenerio. And quite frankly, I think they should abolish the unions. There are a couple of unionized companies in my area and most people I know won't work for them because:

(a. You'll probably have a hard time getting another job if your ever layed off. If the union company cranks back up, most people would just go back to that high paying job.

(b. Most motivated people can't stand to work around a bunch of lazy do nothings.

The union companies have become a graveyard for inept, lazy people looking for a high paying job that they know they can 'skate' on because it's almost impossible to get fired.