fainally a decent movie from Stephen King

Even though they weren't always just like the book, I thought most of the Stephen King moves were good.
I thought that most since pet semetary have been cheap and unconvincing. Although i did like the stand even though i recognize the third rate acting in the film.
I liked the one where the Kathy Bates held the guy hostage..can't remember the name...
LOVED Langoliers
also enjoyed Tommyknockers
King writes to develop characters & that would make for a long assed movie. Since most of the movies bite, after reading the book,I avoid them. If I don't read the book tehn they're not bad.

Stand by Me was the exception.
Misery! Forgot about that one. yeah it was good. Tommyknockers was a ggod story but those made for tv movie just don't cut it for me. I've been spoiled by the bigscreen.
Q said:
I liked the one where the Kathy Bates held the guy hostage..can't remember the name...

It's called Misery

The only movie of his I've seen is The Dead Zone. The books of his that I've read though are: Carrie, The Dead Zone, Salems Lot, The Eyes Of A dragon, Firestarter, Christine. They are all very good books, but my personal favorite is Carrie. :headbang:
Christopher Walken was amazing in the dead zone. To bad they had to go and make it into a series and ruin it.
I really liked both of "The Shining" movies. Jack Nicholas' was the best though.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Christopher Walken was amazing in the dead zone. To bad they had to go and make it into a series and ruin it.

Christopher Walken was on Saturday Night Live tonight, pretty funny.

ipmoof said:
Shawshank Redemption anybody?!

Great movie, short stories are easier to convert.

I never read the Shining becaus I didn't want to know how badly they screwed up the book. After reading it, finally, it was fairly close.
Interesting that both Stand by Me and Shawshank were based on short novelas, not full novels. Both appeared in the same book as well (4 Seasons).

Kinda backs up the theory that King's character development takes too long to effectively pull off in a movie, unless it's a short story.