Fairytales and life and stuff....


New Member
Most great stories, be they fairytales, myths or spiritual journeys, have a point near the end where the hero/seeker must confront a monster/demon/force that opposes what he/she is seeking. It is only near the end that this force comes out in it's full regalia.

In our lives, I believe, this force comes out in the form of our fears, hurts, sadnesses, resentments and other things which hold us bad, keep us bound, stop us from growing as human beings....I've observed many times in myself, my friends and people i work with in my job, of becoming overwhelmed by these things when they appear in this full form.

However, what we need to realise is that the reason they appear like this, is not because they are powerful, but because THEY ARE BEING CHALLENGED, that their hold on us is under threat.
If we have that awareness (as well as the knowing that, for the most part, they aren't real anyway) we can not be overwhelmed, but can hang tough, stay with the chaos, live with uncertainty...until the new way of living, the new idea can come through....we are most frieghtened when we are near the goal...

It is always darkest before the dawn...
I agree but you'll also find that in this day and age people are starting to accept their fears and shortcomings as some sort of unique features, features that don't hold them back but infact make them the unique person they are...I, of course, find that ideology to be complete horseshit.

One example would be obese support groups. Now I understand gladular issues but so many accept their weight as a healthy body image...obesity isn't healthy in anyway....but I am going off tangent here.

Simply put: I keep finding people that accept their fears, their irrational idosyncratic tendencies as unique quirks. Is that a healthy way of thinking?....well it beats self mutilation but as with naything there are people out there taking this realxed POV a little too far.

The funny part is there are just as many people opposite of those. Overdriven, overambitious, downright laughble with their tenacious and tightly wound personalities.
That was almost profound.... Obviously you have not been drinking enough beer!

Nope, cant stand Steiny's, I drink Bourbon, and speaking of which I am off to go watch some fireworks with a bottle or two in hand!! :drink: