fallopian dilemma

Spot said:
there are probably horror stories about every type of medication out there. they all have side effects. some people have bad reactions, most dont.
My doctor won't give it to me anymore. He said the current literature is leaning towards not giving hormonals over the age of thirty. Then he told me I was too old to have any of it. :( tonksy is roundabout my age I think, so I'd think that she's maybe better off without anything very medicationy, depo included. 35 approaches anyway, and that's the absolute age.
:( *sigh, the dilemmas of the female body.

Bullshit about Depo Provera...? wtf? go to another doctor. That report hasn't come out here... Depo is by far the best contraceptive I have been on... do your research before paniking and going so far as to consider having your tubes tied...:don't,I know you have three but you're still young yet and its something that you can't reverse, isn't it? Caffiene causes lack in bone density - not drinking enough milk causes lack in bone density, hell I'm pretty sure alcohol and cigarettes and video games and microwaves probably do too...

*thinks this might in fact be some sinister plan to reverse the contraceptive movement, promote marital abstinence...or tie women back on a tether between the kitchen the infant and the bed-post...:lol:

rob doesn't want to have any children of his own and seeing as how i am involved with rob and would like to stay so, a child would be a stressor.

theres your answer ! Get himto have his...y'know...done. :shrug:

seriously, find out all the evidence and proof.... the IUD is nasty archaic business probably invented by cynical old male doctors in the first place :eyebrow:. I have seen how they do it :disgust:

Bring on the Male contraceptive, I say.

:D :headbang:
tank girl said:
Bullshit about Depo Provera...? wtf? go to another doctor.

Another doc wouldn't matter, she said that medicaid won't let you take it for more than a year and a half...

As for Unc getting fixed...he said something about how that would cost $1000US but anything she would choose to get done would be covered under insurance...I don't know WHY that is...seems kinda silly to me since the man being snipped or the woman being tied serves the same purpose...why cover one and not the other?
Nixy said:
seems kinda silly to me since the man being snipped or the woman being tied serves the same purpose...

Men can't get pregnant.
Didn't they cover that in Sex Ed?
Bullshit about Depo Provera...? wtf? go to another doctor.
That report hasn't come out here...
I read of this a few YEARS ago. I'd imagine it's on the warning leaflet that comes with it, or did you not read that?

*thinks this might in fact be some sinister plan to reverse the contraceptive movement, promote marital abstinence...or tie women back on a tether between the kitchen the infant and the bed-post...:lol:
Lithium takes care of thoughts like that.

theres your answer ! Get himto have his...y'know...done.
he's answered that, and for whyever, he's not doing it. He isn't the issue here. Frankly, (sorry Rob and tonksy if this is an offense, but I gotta say it), they haven't been together near long enough for this to really be his problem. She has to take care of number one, herself, by herself.
seriously, find out all the evidence and proof.... the IUD is nasty archaic business probably invented by cynical old male doctors in the first place :eyebrow:. I have seen how they do it :disgust:
The old IUD blew goats. The IUD of today is a completely different contraption altogether. Besides permanency, in a monogamous relationship it's the most convenient and foolproof way to go.
Winky said:
Men can't get pregnant.
Didn't they cover that in Sex Ed?

The purpose of both of them is so that the person having the procedure does not become the parent of any children. Whether it's them who is going to be carrying the child or not.
The girl child has spoken & has again been shown to be wrong

Average bone density at the hip fell 2.8 percent one year after starting Depo-Provera and 5.8 percent after two years. Loss of bone density in the spine was similar.

In contrast, average bone loss at the hip and spine was less than 0.9 percent among the comparison group of women, the team reports in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility.

Source, or Google Depo Pravera & look thru the "News" section.
The answers simple, simply get RoB before the point of no return to withdraw, position your head or boobs just under him and let him spray the goo. Women really love this, and the added bonus being you'll recieve all your daily vitamins,just check any porn movie for verification.
tank girl said:
.... the IUD is nasty archaic business probably invented by cynical old male doctors in the first place :eyebrow:. I have seen how they do it :disgust:

What the HELL are you talking about?? It's a perfectly valid means of contraception for those in long-term relationships, and it doesn't fuck up with your hormones like the pill and the jab. I've tried many different forms of the pill, and been on the jab. Both fucked up my system. The jab made me bleed solidly for two months, and I've been off it for two years now, and still don't have monthly periods. :eyebrow:
Porn lies, staff!
and I hope you don't use that method!!! :eek:

Ask Avery if withdrawal works.


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My vote is, go with the IUD or something else for a couple years.

I have to say, don't decide to do something this huge and probably permanent because you have to decide. Decide to do it when you have made a decision.
Agree with that 100%.

Also, Rob. You know I love both you guys, so don't take offense here Tonks. I realize you don't want kids, but you aren't dead yet either. Things can change. But if you push her into doing this, you WILL pay for it at some point down the road. Support her choice if it's the choice you agree with.

Paula got hers tied right after her youngest at the insistence of her ex. It's one of those things she'll probably never forgive him for. Not that I wanted any more, and she probably wouldn't have either, but she did it to make him happy.
Bop calls it 'the jab' Mkay!

(and sez it's a nasty thang)

Hey I'm just a sayin' anything that you only
shoot into yer system once a quarter
that whacks up yer plumbing to the point of
non-functionality for that long CAN NOT be a good thing :wink2:

Oh My you'd think adults would know how to deal
with this most basic of human realities!

Yup them Sex Ed classes are a waste Oh Mulah alright.
Leslie said:
Porn lies, staff!
and I hope you don't use that method!!! :eek:

Ask Avery if withdrawal works.

Lmao.... Actually an ex and I used the withdrawal method solid for 2.6 years with no baby as an end product. She to got sick on both the jab and the pill and I wasnt ready to get snipped, nor was she. Condoms always had a habit of breaking for us as well so rather than abstaining we used withdrawal. Certainly not an option I would reccommend anyone.
tank girl said:
Bullshit about Depo Provera...? wtf? go to another doctor. That report hasn't come out here... Depo is by far the best contraceptive I have been on...

I was on Depo for 2 years...

I put on 3 stone without a change in diet or exercise level. My breasts were so tender... the mearest touch resulted in a black eye for the toucher from the touchee...

I lost my sex drive... Hard to believe I know but I did...

I was severely emotional... weepy to the extreme and ANGRY! Boy don't tell me about anger... and IRRATIONAL.... and ANNOYING to all who knew me...

Wait a minute there... hold the phone! :p :D :p
BeardofPants said:
The jab made me bleed solidly for two months, and I've been off it for two years now, and still don't have monthly periods. :eyebrow:

Amen sister! I'm with you there...

I'm coming up 18months off... my only 4th and most recent monthly was 14 DAYS LONG... so when it rains it pours! Literally!
ClaireBear said:
I was severely emotional... weepy to the extreme and ANGRY! Boy don't tell me about anger... and IRRATIONAL.... and ANNOYING to all who knew me...

Wait a minute there... hold the phone! :p :D :p
Should I say it, or should I just walk away due to the lack of a challenge? :D
Leslie said:
My doctor won't give it to me anymore. He said the current literature is leaning towards not giving hormonals over the age of thirty. Then he told me I was too old to have any of it. :( tonksy is roundabout my age I think, so I'd think that she's maybe better off without anything very medicationy, depo included. 35 approaches anyway, and that's the absolute age.
yeah...that sums it up. i ain't a spring chicken anymore.
you know what? i asked myself what i would do if i won a trillion dollars and had no cares...do you know what i answered? built a house on a bunch of land, live there in bliss when i wasn't travelling the world. does a baby fit in with this? no. so if i can't financially afford another baby now and wouldn't have one if i could why should i just take care of the surgery while i am relatively young and strong?

tank girl? no offense to my dear rob but i don't leave something as imperative a birth control up to men.
gonz said:
if Rob is absolutely sure, it's a $50. copay with insurance. At least you don't live in an earthquake zone...with aftershocks as you enter the doctors office.
Not for me. I haven't had insurance in 6 years. I would be floating the whole cost.

spot said:
birth control pill/patch/implant not an option?
Dislike or ill reaction to all 3.

bunch o' people said:
I think it can be arranged on 30 days notice. I have no idea what was said about it as I was out in the lobby. I'm not even sure that she even saw a doc. It might have just been nurses. Were still in the formative stages on this. I've not read up on the latest and greatest as to success/failure, side effects...blabla.

tank girl said:
wtf? go to another doctor.
Shes in the state medicaid system. There are no other doctors. You take what is assigned to you. Even if she did get another doctor they woud tell her the same thing as they are all working from the same playbook and cannot interfere with 'policy'.

tank girl said:
theres your answer ! Get himto have his...y'know...done
I have no qualms about getting a vasectomy. If all things were equal I would... but they aren't. Tonks and I are a couple... but were not legally attached. She appears to the government as a struggling mother of two little kids with 2 jobs and a limited income. That puts her into certain realms of medical assitance and whatnot. I am seen as a independent male of 'means' and therefore don't qualify for medicaid. Hell... I can't even get private insurance. Everything that gets done to me is cash out of pocket. I had a tube put in my right eardrum earlier this year and that cost me $1200 dollars when it was all done... and that was a 15 minute in office proceedure. God knows what a vasectomy would cost after all is said and done. In a perfect world I could say that she and I are a forever ever after couple and we could make these grand decisions as a single mind... but the reality is that we could break up. If she wasn't in 'the system' she would be in deep trouble. The system only sees her and will only deal with her. She is the one that is being offered medical treatment, not I. I could go on into several hours of backhistory and whatnot to fill in all of the gaps... I just don't have the time or the inclination to spill out so much of my private life as to how things are and have become.

PT said:
But if you push her into doing this
Hold up. Noone is pushing anyone. She has merely asked an opinion of me. I have been rather laid back about it all and offered pro/con dispassionate what-ifs.


well... for all of the horror stories, depo has been perfectly seamless for her.
unclehobart said:
well... for all of the horror stories, depo has been perfectly seamless for her.

*UH cracks his neck to reduce the yard sleeping stiffness*

Yup... seemless! :D :D :brush:

Well... good for her... and more importantly you!

Maybe its a childbirth thing... if you have maybe its not that bad. :shrug:
:crying3: i shall miss my depo.
and rob is right. i asked him his opinion and it pretty much went like this
"i don't want any kids of my own. are you sure you are ready for such an invasive procedure as a tubal?"
the thing is is that both my viable options are kinda invasive....just one is permanent.
i guess i need to wait about a week or so before i even get the ball rolling on anything...just to mull it over further. beyond that there is a 30 waiting period after you sign up for the surgery to make sure that you do indeed want it.