

Major contributor!
Last Monday, my mother collapsed in her bathroom from her system shutting down. She wasen't watching her Diabetes so her kidnays shut down, she had an intense unine infection that infected her blood as well. Her feet hurt at the touch, and her blood platlete level was extrememly low.

That was Monday. Tuesday, at 1:15 in the afternoon, she was admitted to the hospital and put into ICU immediately.

My brother, upon her collapse, waited three hours and finally moved her to her bedroom, by dragging her. She is very overweight though. Anyway, since he couldn't put her on her bed, he just left her on the floor and then left the house. Where he went I have no idea.

My Grandmother, my moms's mother, found out the she was in the hospital on Wednesday, but through another family member. Jason felt that we didn't need to be concerned with it....the little fucking prick...

I found out on Thursday through my sister, who had to track down the phone number to my business. So, I just got back into town last night.

Mom is doing a hell of a lot better, but she'll be incilian dependent for the rest of her life and her feet will be very much like thay are now. Very painful and numb, for the rest of her life.

I owe a lot to him for this. I really believe that all the time she sat on the bathroom floor and then on the bedroom floor caused her body more damage. Therefore I really believe I should extract that amount of damage from his body. I will in due course. Just as soon as he has the balls to face me. He got in my Grandmothers face and my sisters as well, before I got there, and came within a nats ass of hitting my Grandma. Wrong. He's a fucking little coward. He's been using my mom for so long and abusing her that this finally happened and he treats the family like shit.

All I need to do is see him for five minutes. That's it. I don't wanna kill him or anything like that. I want him to suffer. That's all. I'm not asking for a lot. Just five minutes alone with him.

Anyway, we had all the locks to her house rekeyed and pulled the fuse to the ingnition of her car, since he still has her keys. My sister and I told my Grandma to call the police if he causes even the slightest problem and to not allow him entry into the house.

This whole weekend I've thought of what I'm going to do to him once I get him in my sights. Still haven't decided yet, but he's going to pay. The little fucking prick is going to pay for this.
Sorry bout that Posty. I really hope your Mom starts feeling better soon. I'm sorry that it's hard enough to deal with an ailing parent but to add your brother to the issues too must be so hard on you. :(

In the meantime, have you ever seen those socks that warm the feet & ankles and increase circulation? You might want to see if you can get your hands on some from a Pharmacy supply store. Is your brother the only one who lives with her? She sounds like she might need some more care than he is capable of giving her, if only to keep her insulin levels normal. Maybe a medic alert necklace she can wear while she's at home? Since it's connected to the police and local EMS, she wouldn't have to worry about not getting care immediately when she needs it.
my father in law swears by them...he's insulin dependent too, and lately has developed a LOT of trouble with his extremities...but he does say those socks have helped immensely. :)
:hug: I'm sorry to hear that, Posty. Karma's a bitch, though, and he'll get his share - through you or otherwise. :D
Unfortunately, I'm not the only one looking for him. My sisters husband is too as are a few of my sisters of which is a semi pro boxer. They know I get first dibs though.

Don't worry Leslie. I wouldn't do anything to get myself thrown in jail. Besides, he's going to have to prove I was there. Everyone I know knows I was down here.

His own mother....the person who brought him into this world...and this is the thanks he gives...

I found out this weekend that he has hit her a few times as well.
PostCode said:
Unfortunately, I'm not the only one looking for him. My sisters husband is too as are a few of my sisters of which is a semi pro boxer. They know I get first dibs though.

Don't worry Leslie. I wouldn't do anything to get myself thrown in jail. Besides, he's going to have to prove I was there. Everyone I know knows I was down here.

His own mother....the person who brought him into this world...and this is the thanks he gives...

I found out this weekend that he has hit her a few times as well.

hit her as well? It sounds like he needs some serious help. AFTER the much needed ass kicking, of course. But maybe some professional help, too. :s
eric, sorry this is happening. what a load of shit he is dumping. I cant believe he is doing this. Just remember no witnesses. give him an extra kick or 2 for me.
I am glad to hear your mom is doing better now. that is something you shouldnt mess with. Are they going to keep her in the hospitol for a while longer? Im sending good thoughts your and her way.
Yeah, she'll be in there for a bit longer. Probably a week minimum. She couldn't stand up yesterday, so I would imagine that this is going to be a long recovery. Her speech is better to. It was very slurred, like you see in a stoke victim. This morning I called her and she sounded a lot better.

Yesterday before we left, she made a comment that told me she was doing a lot better....."Where's my fucking lunch?"

Yep. That's mom.
I'm so sorry for you, eric. I hope everything works out and that the bastard suffers.
Pssst.. Acid is painful.
:( Wow..That sucks Posty. I can understand your rage. I'd be the same. I'll keep a good thought for your Mom and an evil one for you brother. I hope She does well.

If you don't want to be thrown in jail, do not touch him. That is instant assault & battery. Find a nice dark alley, first.

This whole scenario is common...the lazy fuck "kid", the overprotective mother, the violence, the lack of decency. It's in my own family. Might I suggest, instead of violence, which gets you in trouble, you & your family find a way to persuade him to leave town, for good. There are ways...remember that clock that used to sit on the counter at your mom's house, the antique one that actually belonged to you & then he went & pawned it? I bet the police have places for thieves that are out of town.

Wishing you luck & yopur mother health.
Geezus wept! I'd cut his balls off........then when he was recovering in hospital I'd have posted them back to him :mad:

That's a really shitty thing to happen PostCode :eh:

I guess the old adage in true.......Can choose yer friends but yer can't choose yer family.
PostCode said:
I found out this weekend that he has hit her a few times as well.

Elder abuse is a term referring to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. The specificity of laws varies from state to state, but broadly defined, abuse may be:

* Physical Abuse
- Inflicting, or threatening to inflict, physical pain or injury on a vulnerable elder, or depriving them of a basic need.

* Emotional Abuse
- Inflicting mental pain, anguish, or distress on an elder person through verbal or nonverbal acts.
* Sexual Abuse
- Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind.
* Exploitation
- Illegal taking, misuse, or concealment of funds, property, or assets of a vulnerable elder.
* Neglect
- Refusal or failure by those responsible to provide food, shelter, health care or protection for a vulnerable elder.
* Abandonment
- The desertion of a vulnerable elder by anyone who has assumed the responsibility for care or custody of that person.
Eeezus Posty that's terrible... I hope he gets locked up for a good, long time.

Best wishes for you and your mum though.
Sorry about the moms posty...send prayers your way. (Don't stress to much-Every dog gets their day :winkkiss: )
Argh, goddamit. Shit like this just makes me want to do my nut! Posty, I hope your mom is doing better and she'll get all the love and care she deserves.

And I hope your fucking brother rots in hell (I probably shouldn't say bad things about people I don't know, so I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but I can't stand things like that). Can't you beat him up & then have him charged with elderly abuse? After all it's what it comes down to. Let him go to prison and be someone's bitch.