
She got moved to a regular room. She sill be there for a while then hopefully will go home sometime later next week. The doc says it'll be a while before she can go back to work full time. It'll be a slow process of a few hours at a time.

She'll get disability pay through the company she works for, so that'll help a lot. She'll be alright financially I think but this will change her whole lifestyle. All kinds of aspects of it. She was getting ready to go in and have that surgery done where they take a bit of your stomach out. That'll have to wait now too. She wants to lose the weight, but by neglecting her other illness doesn't help.

No word for Jason yet. Just waiting for him to show his sorry ass.
Glad to hear she is doing better.

Maybe you should calm down before you see your brother, violence doesn't solve anything, and getting arrested is not good.

ha, who am I kidding, just make sure the witnesss say he tried to hit you first, then break his jaw, eating diner through a straw for 6 weeks will be something he won't forget anytime soon.

Also, maybe you mom should get a restraining order against him, considering he has been violent before, and after the whoop-ass, press charges against him for attacking you first :devious: and also charges for hitting your mother.

But you first concern should be your mothers health, I hope seh recovers quickly
what is it what people named jason? i've got a buddy in almost your exact situation and his dumbass brother is jason.

anyways, i hope she makes a good recovery. and as for your brother...ooooooo :mad: