Famous actors in child porn scandal

for the record [tongueincheekresponse]

Gato_Solo said:
It goes like this...

Art...................Black and white photos done in tasteful poses that do not arouse sexually

Pornography.....Color photos usually found in Penthouse, Hustler, et al...


art =


and pornography =


i found this image in playboy - does that mean it is pornography by definition?


ahhhhh thankyo

[edit] i will get used to this automated bbcoding - i promise [/edit]
ihcra said:
still wondering - what age did you say was the absolute and definitive point of maturity?
16.247623735735735735746857523555774587659579680246248562084562094624 and don't forget that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

While your arguments in favor of kiddie sex is ... unsettling, let me put it this way.

Non-consentual sex = bad. I hope you agree here.
Kids that have not yet reached the age of maturity are in no position to give consent to things which they don't really understand.
Therefore, having sex with little kids = bad.

Oh and, I'd rather rot in jail knowing I got rid of a child molester than live a rich life knowing he is out there having "fun", and the trauma a child will have to go through seeing his dad in jail is also minor compared to the trauma they go through when they are abused.
ihcra said:
what's wrong with child porography?

Besides what LL said, in which I agree, add this, a child has an inherent trust of adults, as they should. Make them do things in which they are uncomfortable or know is wrong & you've damaged that forever. An 8, 10, 12, 14 or even a 16 year old is not capable of making decisions like that on his or her own. Life altering decisions are not their strong suit. Stealing innocence for pleasure or profit is the lowest form of degradation to the victim & pure evil in the thief. There is nothing more vile than an adult abusing a child for power or gratification. We, the adults, are supposed to hace more control over our emotions & physical needs. If not, castration works wonders. Beheading, twice, in the slowest most painful method possible preferably.
You have your innocence only once. When someone takes it, it is gone forever. You should be allowed to decide when to give it up for yourself.
Last Legionary said:
ihcra said:
still wondering - what age did you say was the absolute and definitive point of maturity?
16.247623735735735735746857523555774587659579680246248562084562094624 and don't forget that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Last Legionary said:
While your arguments in favor of kiddie sex is ... unsettling, let me put it this way.

no more unsettling than hearing that i have made any such arguement

Last Legionary said:
Non-consentual sex = bad. I hope you agree here.
Kids that have not yet reached the age of maturity
by this you mean 16.247623735735735735746857523555774587659579680246248562084562094624
Last Legionary said:
are in no position to give consent to things which they don't really understand.

like driving or the pledge of allegience?

Last Legionary said:
Therefore, having sex with little kids = bad.

as i recall this question and the charges against the two actors are of possession of alleged child pornography - not sex with children

Last Legionary said:
Oh and, I'd rather rot in jail knowing I got rid of a child molester than live a rich life knowing he is out there having "fun".
and won't you (already traumatised) kids be proud of you
Nah, I'm not going to argue any more. I'm really glad you don't let your education get in the way of your ignorance though. ;) You ask questions just for the sake of asking questions. You ignore the answers, or you ask more questions even though its perfectly clear what the answer is. People like you are called....


trollass.jpg, 56.33kb

Last Legionary said:
Nah, I'm not going to argue any more. I'm really glad you don't let your education get in the way of your ignorance though. ;) You ask questions just for the sake of asking questions. You ignore the answers, or you ask more questions even though its perfectly clear what the answer is. People like you are called....

maybe so - i admit it

i'm for my part glad i dont assert something then ignore any need to clarify or correct myself
ihcra is a troll :rofl2: :D

asking difficult questions and seeking reasoned arguments doesn't strike me as trolling
Ok, so the topic at hand is whether having possesion of child pornography is bad?

Yes. It is. What is child pornography? Well, the judge will have to decide that on a case by case basis. The fact that two grown men were taking pictures of a young boy is disturbing. There is no sign that these pictures were taken for any legitimate reason, so I would have to assume that they were taken to fulfill a couple of grown mens sick desires.

Is it the same as molesting a child? No. But it is a definite step in that direction. If they were allowed to go free without punishment on this offense, they would almost surely become bolder and go to the next level in their sickness. People like this need to be stopped. The sad part is that even if they serve 20 years for possessing these pictures, the desires that they had will also almost surely still be there when they are released. This is a sickness that there is no easy cure for. Sex offenders, and in particular child molesters have one of the highest rates of repeating thier crimes. It seems that the urges are just uncontrollable in certain individuals, such that they can not stop thinking about committing such acts.

Do I have an answer to this problem? Sadly, no. Like the rest of the world I do not. The small liberal part of me believes that every person that has a propensity to commit such crimes does not deserve to die. The ones that actually do commit the crime of child molesting, especially to a child under 14, certainly deserve life in prison, with some deserving the death sentence. Over 14 is blurry. I've met some very adult looking 14 year olds at my daughters school. I do not mean they are adults simply because they look like adults, but there is room for error in certain people and in certain situations.
Okay. Knee-jerk response...

I have 2 daughters. I have no compunctions against offing anyone who sexually molests them. That's the response any father would most likely agree with. There are others who may not, and that doesn't make them any less a parent, but the fathers role, which has been slowly eroded over the past 30 years, is to protect and socially adjust his children. That's why we have judges. So that those who are directly involved don't have the chance to do wrong to correct a wrong (yes...I believe that, even in the case of sexual molestation, killing is wrong)...even though I, myself, would do just that. A paradox to be sure, but emotions do not know logic. If I had a son, my feelings would be just as strong. If I see it happen to my neighbor's children, I would do the same thing. This is not truly an argument of what to do...just how to do it.

Back to the main topic...

Possessing photos of young children in any sexual act, or in any state to provide sexual gratification, is illegal, and it should be. There are a plethora of other ways to 'get ones rocks off' without resorting to an innocent child, or portrayals of innocent children...especially if one happens to be an adult. Anything less than harsh criminal penalties will not suffice here. Our most important job as adults is the proper upbringing of our future leaders. Not the exploitation of their innocence.
Gato said:
I have 2 daughters. I have no compunctions against offing anyone who sexually molests them. That's the response any father would most likely agree with. There are others who may not, and that doesn't make them any less a parent...

I disagree. That is precisely where the job of parent has lost it's bearing. A mother Grizzly would never think twice about protecting her young, even at the cost of her own life. Are we less? Acting out on said feelings is what seperates us from the unabashed animal kingdom but the protective nature should be there. It should be acted on under fitting circumstances. Law & order be damned.
fortunately for said mother grizzly - no death sentance is in place should she kill her victim.

and while we are on the anology ...

the mother grizzly will defend her cubs until there is no longer a threat - not necessarily until death - revenge is a fairly under studied emotion but no other 'animal' projects such a feeling in the same way as man.
PuterTutor said:
The sad part is that even if they serve 20 years for possessing these pictures, the desires that they had will also almost surely still be there when they are released. This is a sickness that there is no easy cure for

can we be sure it is a sickness and in fact not merely a part of the society view of other 'natural' desires?

in many cultures marriage and family building was not uncommon for 12 year olds - noone has described this as sick.

not so many years ago homosexuality was illegal as it was seen by society and state as a "sick" act. did anyone truly believe that prison sentances would change a gay man's desires?

does the fact that is no longer illegal mean that it is no longer "sick"? or is it because it is no longer seen as a "sick" act that is no longer illegal?

is revenge a sickness? where a human being acts on pure emotion against someone who may infact have been acting on unchecked emotion or desire in precisely the same way.

a crime is a crime and a sin is a sin - any other distinction is tautological.
I wouldn't kill him. I'd take him up north. Strip him naked. Cover him in honey. Break both his arms and legs, and leave him there.

Living in a country with a population density of under 1/sqmile is a wonderful thing.