Farewell to my ratties...

Yeah, a wild rat maybe. We dont' generally make it a practice to feed pet rats to the dogs. Maybe it's different in Canada. :p
i had rats too. frenchie and rizzo...the lived in a pink cage. they were strays from a friend that was moving and we had to find new homes for them when we left texas but they were lotsa fun.
BeardofPants said:
I had rats as well. We had six rats and one mouse. One rat got eaten by the stupid dog my parents had, one had to be put down because of a massive hernia,

Doesn't that seem strange? How does a rat get a hernia? Was it lifting something heavy? :confused:
Contrary to popular belief people and animals are born with hernias and muscle strain only exacerbates them.
markjs said:
Contrary to popular belief people and animals are born with hernias and muscle strain only exacerbates them.

So how did the rat's hernia get so bad it had to be put down?
Gato_Solo said:
Doesn't that seem strange? How does a rat get a hernia? Was it lifting something heavy? :confused:
:shrug: I don't know. I was only 10 at the time, that's what my mother said. I guess she thought it was too expensive to get it treated, versus putting it down? It was really BIG - about half the size of the rat.