Fat-kins diet

i never did understand how you can eat the 3 burger patties and pound of bacon but you can't eat an apple....incidentally, i am starting a quasi-atkins diet (as soon as the gyro pizza in the icebox is gone)...but that's because i'm a vain sumabitch that wants to look good in her bathing suit this year :eh:

....but a waffle sundae sounds pretty delish. :licklips:
unfortunately it actualy works (but the biochemistry involved means you can barely eat ANY carbs). So you cant really do the diet half way. or else your system doesnt kick into big time fat burning mode (lipolysis).
My understanding is that you can eat almost no carbs for the first two weeks to shock your body into burning fat. Then, you can eat carbs... but the carbs need to be limited. the "Atkins-friendly" wraps at Subway are OK with the Atkins Diet after those first two weeks, but not during the initial two weeks.
halamikage and i can't stop laughing!!
tears are streaming down our faces we're laughing so freakin' hard.

thanks, Djcake!! :swing:
Dude, that was BRILLIENT. Best thing I have EVER seen!!!

Damn atkins diet making everyone else skinny...just cause I don't wanna damage my liver...
sooo...if you take a dealio like goldenseal that flushes toxins (yeah...toxins :smoke: ) out of your system and drink lotsa water while on the atkins diet your liver troubles should be taken care of...right? i'm thinking yeah.
Luis G said:
Why does it damage the liver?? :confuse3:
when your body burns fat at such an alarming rate all of the toxins that are stored in the fat are released into your blood stream causing the liver and kidney to work overtime.

see rob? i do retain some information ;)
IDLEchild said:
Also with all the protein from the meat causes high acidic build ups. Protein is a form of an acid.

Yup, the body has a shitload of trouble processing protien (go eat raw meat for a coupla weeks, and watch yerself turn jaundiced).

I dunno a lot about Atkins....but to me it just looks like putting yer body into a state of ketosis (popular amongst the bodybuilding fraternity) forcing the body to burn excess protien instead of relying on the more easily accessable forms of energy in carbs.

I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole....if this fad keeps up then there are gonna be a lotta skinny, jaundiced bald headed lads and lasses wandering around in a coupla years.......poor fucks :D

As the lil' squirrely thing said......if yer wanna lose weight, get off yer arse and exercise so yer burn of more calories than yer take in :) tis hardly rocket science :lloyd: