Favorite Babe/Beau Pictures


Well-Known Member
Got a favorite piece of eye-candy that you'd like to post up...here's the place to do it. Titilate and Pant--er--tantalize us :D
and after seriously trying to think of a hott guy to post, this is all i could come up with.
he's on a pizza hut placemat. i had actually eyed him for months before i finally got him scanned in.

then again, i'm someone who thinks bob saget is sexy.

edited to say: the pic looks hotter in real life.




wow...it was hard to find some clean eye candy. :lloyd:

Just a reminder... AUP 7.2 You agree not to upload, transmit, distribute, establish means of uploading, transmission, distribution, or otherwise publish (collectively "Post") through any Service, any material that is: Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair :nerd:
Leslie said:
Just a reminder... AUP 7.2 You agree not to upload, transmit, distribute, establish means of uploading, transmission, distribution, or otherwise publish (collectively "Post") through any Service, any material that is: Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair :nerd:

Came pretty damn close with that last one :D
The last two you posted, Leslie weren't bad...except for the slutty one with legs spread wide. I thought she was trying a bit too hard to get attention. Besides...at my age that's as close to 'kiddie porn' as I want to get... :lloyd:
I think that at times too...but if you just look without thinkin though Gato dear...woweee!

Bish, as long as we can stick to pretty damn close...we're all good :laugh:
Leslie said:

wow...it was hard to find some clean eye candy. :lloyd:

Just a reminder... AUP 7.2 You agree not to upload, transmit, distribute, establish means of uploading, transmission, distribution, or otherwise publish (collectively "Post") through any Service, any material that is: Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair :nerd:

:eek13: :trippin: :blow: :sex: :sperm:
ash r said:
and after seriously trying to think of a hott guy to post, this is all i could come up with.
he's on a pizza hut placemat. i had actually eyed him for months before i finally got him scanned in.

then again, i'm someone who thinks bob saget is sexy.

edited to say: the pic looks hotter in real life.
So is the fastest way to your heart through your stomach? :D