favorite books

nal books are always better(note this time im more awake and noticing what im typing yay :D). im right now getting back into the Last Temptation of Christ and the first four chapters alone put the movie to shame. thankfully someone has checked out the WOT series i havent started yet but i thought i was the only one who was into that kind of thing. :D
I'm reading The Dream of Reason by Anthony Gottlieb, one of the books that I bought with my B&N gift certificate. It's a history of Western Philosophy from Ancient Greece to the Renaissance. VERRRY interesting! I've gotten through the Pre-Socratics, and I'm up to Socrates himself... cool stuff. :nerd: :)
who's yer favorite philosopher, Ards? Wait .. lemme guess ... I'm thinking yer a Wittgensteinian kinda dude? I like a lot of what James says, especially about faith.