Favorite Seasonal Memory?


New Member
Each Holiday season seems to bring warm favorite thoughts and feelings to mind for many, perhaps from childhood experiences, each one triggered by a diverse variety of cultural surrounding.

While, not wanting to be insensitive to those here, who have suffered loss or feel a heightened sense of emptiness this time of year, I'd jus' wanted to pause an ask ya, what are some of the things the Holiday season brings to mind, that warms yer heart?

A few of my favorites would include: The purity of falling snow covering the whole landscape. (The kind without aggrevating sub-zero temps and wind)......Where you can jus' stand outside, an' actually hear it hittin' the ground.

Also, the smell of pine an' cinnamon in Momma's house.

And ofcourse the laughter of friends an' family around the supper table, exchanging stories an' "remember-whens".:)
I got a Lava Lamp for Christmas 1996. I used to be able to just sit there and watch the thing for 10 or 20 minutes at a time.
One of my favourite winter memories is of playing eskimos in the snow with my older sister and younger brother on our sledges when I was about 8. No particular christmas sticks out in my mind except maybe Katie's first, aged 5 months, when she was facinated by the tree.
weird maybe but I always fondly remember driving home from Grandmas house on Christmas day (night)...all happy and warm and sleepy, looking at the Christmas lights on the houses, the Christmas music on the radio. The whole family would be happy at the same time. :)
being with the family. and one that although freeszing was at the beach(we go there in the summer in NC i love it there). were going again this year so i look forward to that.
Waking up on Christmas morning and seeing the tree lit up with the presents all around it. The tree just seems to look different on Christmas morning, almost magical. I still like that. :)
I'd say summer is my favourite. Going to beach, swimming and bathing in the rain give me the greatest feelings...
summer is my fave too. i only like winter cause snow is fun to play in and christmas get to see fam but summer is my fave too. all you listed and women wear less :D
Best Christmas Memory : I was about 11 or 12, and I finally got the proverbial Bicycle for Christmas. Mom didn't have a real good job at the time, and we knew it, and weren't expecting much for christmas that year, let along bikes. She took her Christmas bonus from work and bought my brother and I each new bikes, had them sitting in the living room waiting when we got up. It was the biggest surprise I ever had for Christmas.

Most vivid Christmas Memory: My mom and step dad decided to call it quits on Christmas Eve, Step dad left, Mom threw the tree. It was just a Holly Jolly fucking christmas. Really quite entertaining, they were holding it together on very frayed strings for quite a while at that point, it was just a matter of time. The vision of a christmas tree flying across the living room will live with me forever. :rofl:
PuterTutor said:
Most vivid Christmas Memory: My mom and step dad decided to call it quits on Christmas Eve, Step dad left, Mom threw the tree. It was just a Holly Jolly fucking christmas. Really quite entertaining, they were holding it together on very frayed strings for quite a while at that point, it was just a matter of time. The vision of a christmas tree flying across the living room will live with me forever. :rofl:

I remember a big fight my mum and dad had. It was in that bad winter we had over here in 63. We lived down a little country lane near Banstead, it was dark and the snow was about 6 ft deep at the time and my dad said he was leaving, made my brother and me put on our coats and go with him. By the time we'd walked 1/2 a mile down the road he'd calmed down, thought better of it and took us home. Parents eh? ?( :shrug:

They'd been married for nearly 40 years when he died - not bad considering they met on boxing day and were married the following March - quite a whirlwind romance. :)
Yep, I try not to put on scenes like that in front of my kids, hope I never will. But then again, it really ended up being a decent christmas, all breakups are not bad, and we still ask Mom every year if she's going to do the traditional tree toss.
LOL @ PT. :rofl:

It was stormy in our house at times, but they stuck it out. People just don't seem to do that so much these days.
You guys.... :hmm:

The reason I didn't post in this thread sooner was because when I first saw it, I immediately thought of my worst Christmas Eve ever. Mom and Dad got into a fist fight, my older sister got knocked over the coffee table, I almost got punched for grabbing my dad's arm. When the fighting stopped, he walked out the door. All us kids were crying. I actually begged him to stay. If I had known then what I know now, I would've helped him pack. He came back during the night, and there were presents under the tree the next morning. We had a very subdued Christmas. Mom and Dad were scratched up and bruised. Everyone was walking on eggshells.

That was about... 29 years ago. They're still together. They celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary last April. :eh:

So, anyway... thanks for dredging that up. :p ;)
The memory of finding out that my cousins boyfriend who was round for christmas dinner was my family's home town's biggest drugs dealer was kinda fun, especially since my Uncle (her father obviously) is a School head teacher...