Favorite South Park quotes?


Mr Mackey - "Can anyone tell me why drugs are bad?"

Cartman - "I know! Because if you do drugs you're a hippie and hippies suck."

Choir Teacher: Eric, Costa Rica is a Third-World country. These people are much poorer than those in the U.S.
Cartman: Well, why the hell don't they get jobs?! [Throws open his window and yells] Ey! Why don't you people quit slacking off, and get a job! What's wrong with you?! Go to college!

President Hirohito: You see, Japanese penis so small [holds his hands about an inch apart]
Mr. Ose: [set his index finger an inch from his thumb] So-eh small.
President Hirohito: You Americans have such humungous burbous penis.
Mr. Garrison: Well, uh-I guess that's true.
my favourite is from the movie. Thing is, it's not really funny in writing, it's just the way Cartman says it.

"Mr Mackey, can I ask you question?"

"Mmkay, Eric, what?"

"What's the big fucking deal, bitch??"

a slight over done classic

"The fireman is very magical. Rub his helmut and he spits in your eye."

"I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!"

"I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you're perfectly healthy. The bad news is that you have cancer."

actually i don't really like southpark all that much. there are way better shows. they have just all been canceled :(

although i swore i wouldn't get it cause it didn't have comentary(damn nazis) i got the south park complete 1st season. at least it was only 9.99.
cruel, but funny

'did i say deathcamps? i meant happycamps...where they serve the finest meals, have access to fabulous doctors and where you can excersize regularly'

^^ combined with the visuals...priceless :D
Oh, and I forgot the one I posted before… This is probably my favourite. :D

Scanty said:

General: Battalion 5, raise your hands. You will be the all important first-attack wave. Which we will call...Operation Human Shield.

Chef: Hey, wait a minute!

General: Now keep in mind, Operation Human Shield will suffer heavy losses. Battalion 14? Right...you are Operation Get-Behind-the-Darkies. You will follow behind Operation 5, here. And try not to get killed for god's sake! Are there any questions, men?
Yes, soldier?

Chef: Have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation?

General: I don't listen to hip-hop.
Chef: Have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation?

General: I don't listen to hip-hop.

love it.
Sadam: "Hey re-lax guy! Take a load off, put your feet up, look over here"

It's they way he says it that makes me cackle out load!