Favourite Blog


New Member
I had a search and couldn't find a duplicate thread, so whats your favourite blog. I've found myself reading quite a few, most crap some are good. Here's a few I like.

Chase me ladies, I'm in the cavalry

Dry sardonic humour, story of a British Teacher in South America.

Random acts of reality

British Paramedic working in London. Quite a well known blog.


Random but quite funny.

There are more but they are in the links section of those blogs. So which ones do you like, if any.

Hers an excerpt from Chase me ladies.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Streets full of communists. Please advise.

UPDATE! It turns out to be the International Festival of Youth and Students. (Walking around Caracas the other day I thought some hippies were having some kind of giant fucking jumble-sale.) 17,000 students and “youths” from 144 countries are here. Chavez opened proceedings on Monday night with a speech so insane I was surprised the oil markets didn’t panic.

The festival slogan is:
"For Peace and Solidarity, We Struggle Against War and Imperialism!"
Yeah, well good luck with that. Let me know how you get on. I used to be young and idealistic like them, but there came a day when I said to myself, “No more Mr Nice Guy.” That was when I was seven.

I wanted to go to their events, on the theory that girls who attend communist youth conferences will do anything, like girls with tattoos. To get in I claimed to be a journalist, but they forgot to send the accreditation, even for the real journalists, so I had to pretend to be an International Youth, disguising myself with a Che Guevara t-shirt. I look good in it. I was worried it might clash with my sarcastic expression.

Actually it was very painful for me to appear in public in such a garment. I can see the point of a Bin Laden shirt -that would really piss people off. But Che? Who’s that going to offend? How absolutely pathetic.

As for the speakers: I liked the Vietnamese guy best. His speech was preposterously dull, and he was as conformist and sycophantic as the rest of them, but I admired the way he read it in a normal voice, instead of that ludicrous pretending-to-be-furious style that Latin Americans always adopt.

Patria o muerte!
Patria o muerte!
Patria o muerte!

Oh, relax, for Christ’s sake. What’s wrong with you?