Favourite computer programming language?

What product doesn't miss a deadline these days? I know Microshaft programmers who've quit simply because they didn't have the option to care(in a nutshell). Though I make no excuses whatsoever for microsoft.
I've used C++, but I would have to say my favorite to program in is still basic. Regular old basic, not visual basic, althought that's ok too.
True, it's simple as fuck, but it's also rather effective for some purposes.
goto statment considered harmful........i still remember that article written by a mathmatician. without GOTO statments, basic is useless.
You can still call subroutines without using a goto statement. I can't say I ever wrote a program without one, but I think it could be done.
:eek2: i've never seen a program written in "the old basic days" that has subroutines.
Oh yes, they had subroutines too. I'd have to do some digging to find it, but it was there.
I learned to program in the 'modular' days. Everything I coded was in subs.

COBOL might suck ass, but there was nothing better for handling large databases. It would take 4 pages of code to add 2 + 2, but it only took 5 to handle a 10,000 record dbase. We even coded a game using COBOL. It sucked, bigtime, but we did it.
Luis G said:
:eek2: i've never seen a program written in "the old basic days" that has subroutines.
That was the GOSUB statement. Couldn't do it with conditions, though. In the "old basic" only repetition statement was FOR...NEXT. DO...WHILE type repetitions couldn't be made without GOTO's in fact.
My fave is Lingo (Macromedia Director scripting language), it isn't a true "hardcore" programming language like C++ and such, but then I'm a multimedia dev. student and not a pure programmer. The ability to do both text/point syntax code is cool, but text takes sooo much space and it's damn repetitive :D

on moveSpriteToRight me

while the locH of sprite the spriteNum of me < theStageRight then
set the locH of sprite the spriteNum of me to the locH of sprite the spriteNum of me +1
end while

end moveSpriteToRight

I'm a bit rusted though