Fed refuses to disclose who it's giving loans to.

Everybody sit back and enjoy the spectacle of the middling-income "class" getting liquidated.
It was just some weird post-war experiment anyway...
we'll soon be back to good old 19th century society, with a handful of aristocrats in total power, and a teeming mass of wage-slaves killing each other over subsistence jobs
Ready to go back down into the coal mines, y'all?

soon? where have you been?

please raise your hand if you think the federal reserve is federally owned
Cashed my payroll check today, skimpy little thing it was, and SunTrust had the gall to tell me that from now on, they will be charging five dollars per to cash checks unless you have an account with them. I almost lost my composure. Said to the teller, "You mean to tell me it has gotten so bad that you will charge a fee to cash a check written on your own goddamn bank???
The sonsabitches just got what? 700 billion out of the US Treasury, don't have to account for it, now they're trying to chisel us?
Do they really think we will put up with insult added to injury?
Folks- pull what little you've got out of the banks right now- deal in cash and/or barter. They do NOT deserve your business!
Seriously, pull every cent you have in checking or savings out now- those shitheels will be flopping around and gasping for air like a fish on a creek bank (pun intended).
Yes it has, which is why I don't have a banking account, but the breaking point has been reached, and the last straw is on the camel's back when a bank cannot honor a check drawn on it's own paper without hitting you with a fee. I happen to know some of these slimy shithounds personally- unfortunately kin to some of the golf-playing demons- they were born with wealth and privelege, look down their snotty noses at everyone else, and they just expect everyone to bring their money to them and dump it in their laps! GRRRR!!!!