Federal Air Marshal fires weapon on plane in Miami airport

it sounded to me that he had a really impulsive moment. that happens. it can defy logical reasoning. it's not uncharacteristic of bipolar disorder, which by the way is different for everyone. for example, i can control mine without meds (yes, i got the dr's "ok"). some can't. he couldn't. but he may have thought he could. that's also characteristic of bipolar disorder, the "well i feel better so i'm ok without the meds" thinking.

i spent a lot of time argu.....errr, debating this issue with my fiance earlier, and he insisted to me that if the guy was bipolar and off his meds, he should have informed someone of this lest there be a problem. i told him that if i were in the situation, i wouldn't have even thought of it, the idea to do that probably wouldn't have even crossed my mind, and that it's only obvious because now we're all looking at it in hindsight. there've been plenty of times when i was medicated but had to go without for whatever reason, when i just hoped for the best. they probably hoped for the best. i wouldn't be surprised to find if his train of thought was "well, i don't have my meds but i'll be ok." and she said "ok honey". i'm not saying that is what happened, i'm just saying that is a train of thought i and i am sure many others have had at one point or another. ....

by the way, i just want to re-point-out something i've pointed out before, which is that just because you're on meds doesn't mean you won't do dumb things like that. nor is being off your meds a guarantee that bad stuff will happen. on or off, you can still make stupid decisions. something fun about bipolar disorder is that it can be very unpredictable.

i guess in short, the air marshalls did the right thing, if you say something like that there will be a consequence. it's a risk you take, whether you mean to or not. but i'm also sick of everyone going, "bipolar? off his meds? well there you go!"
Ten guys jump one, what a man
You fight each other, the police state wins
Stab your backs when you trash our halls
Trash a bank if you've got real balls

You still think swastikas look cool
The real nazis run your schools
They're coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth reich you'll be the first to go


You'll be the first to go
You'll be the first to go
You'll be the first to go
Unless you think...
ash r said:
it sounded to me that he had a really impulsive moment. that happens. it can defy logical reasoning. it's not uncharacteristic of bipolar disorder, which by the way is different for everyone. for example, i can control mine without meds (yes, i got the dr's "ok"). some can't. he couldn't. but he may have thought he could. that's also characteristic of bipolar disorder, the "well i feel better so i'm ok without the meds" thinking.

I doubt it. His wife was the one saying he was off his meds. If so, why didn't she stick them in his food or drink? Either way...somebody is trying to dodge responsibility.

ahs r said:
i spent a lot of time argu.....errr, debating this issue with my fiance earlier, and he insisted to me that if the guy was bipolar and off his meds, he should have informed someone of this lest there be a problem. i told him that if i were in the situation, i wouldn't have even thought of it, the idea to do that probably wouldn't have even crossed my mind, and that it's only obvious because now we're all looking at it in hindsight. there've been plenty of times when i was medicated but had to go without for whatever reason, when i just hoped for the best. they probably hoped for the best. i wouldn't be surprised to find if his train of thought was "well, i don't have my meds but i'll be ok." and she said "ok honey". i'm not saying that is what happened, i'm just saying that is a train of thought i and i am sure many others have had at one point or another. ....

See above. One more thing, though. If she knew he was off his meds, perhaps she tricked him into that suicide by cop thing. How much was his life insurance?

ash r said:
by the way, i just want to re-point-out something i've pointed out before, which is that just because you're on meds doesn't mean you won't do dumb things like that. nor is being off your meds a guarantee that bad stuff will happen. on or off, you can still make stupid decisions. something fun about bipolar disorder is that it can be very unpredictable.

I'm sure the dead guy thought so when he made that lunge towards his bag. Too bad nobody else thought it was "fun".

ash r said:
i guess in short, the air marshalls did the right thing, if you say something like that there will be a consequence. it's a risk you take, whether you mean to or not. but i'm also sick of everyone going, "bipolar? off his meds? well there you go!"

And I'm so sick of everyone going "He/She is off their meds so it's not their fault..." Works both ways.
my point with the on/off meds going both ways is that i dont think being on or off meds always counts or matters, is what i'm saying.

why didn't his wife stick his meds in his food or drink? cos that's sneaky. was i wrong in my impression that he'd run out of meds? cos then that wouldnt work. if someone put meds in my food or drink, i'd definitely notice, and i'd definitely be very angry, and definitely dump the bitch.
Oops...here come the vultures, and all making negative noises. Looks like they are out to crucify the marshall now. Wait and see is what we have here now...
As long as there is an investigation, which provides sufficient witnesses verifying his saying "bomb", there's no problem. Between the shooting & the way the remaining passengers were forced to evacuate, it looks a little too police state. Given we're in the middle of a war, let's take it in stride, as long as it's not a long term state.

However, if the threat wasn't made...then it gets ugly. The air marshalls need to know their job is safe...if they follow directives & don't jump the gun (pardon the pun)
whether he said bomb or not does change the situation that much IMO.
He was acting erratic, and not following instructions. It was a split second decision.
Was this guy's life worth more than all the other peoples onboard?
That's the only question that a jury would need, I think.
"Andy Friendly, and three other passengers tackled him,"

that is too funny

Yeah a Mexican criminal goes nutz onna plane and Andy Friendly and a gurl stew, kicks his ass!

Gawd I love this country!