Feeling Paul's pain


Southern Discomfort
So. I got off work early today. It's beautiful, 70 degrees, no wind. A friend of mine called this week and said he wants to go fishing Saturday. Knowing that the water level was too low a few weeks ago, I decide to scout out the ol' fishin' hole to see if it's high enough yet. Naturally, if one is gonna walk a mile or more down a creek, he may as well fish...right?

So I get down to the first good place on the creek to fish from, and it's perfect. Not too deep, not too clear, decent current...perfect trout pool. Within half an hour, I catch the first keeper of the season. Life ain't bad, man. Life ain't bad.

A little later, I still have just the one fish, but I'm thinking, Don't knock it dude. You need to get home and take care of some things there. Pack it in, clean this one, and put him up for later.

I get home, and the lovely and multi-talented AE is up and about. (She's on midnights now) I exhume the fish and am getting ready to clean it. She looks at it, asks what kind it is (brown trout), and says...

"Poor little guy."


Poor little guy my ass...he's dinner one night! *peace*
SouthernN'Proud said:
So. I got off work early today. It's beautiful, 70 degrees, no wind. A friend of mine called this week and said he wants to go fishing Saturday. Knowing that the water level was too low a few weeks ago, I decide to scout out the ol' fishin' hole to see if it's high enough yet. Naturally, if one is gonna walk a mile or more down a creek, he may as well fish...right?

So I get down to the first good place on the creek to fish from, and it's perfect. Not too deep, not too clear, decent current...perfect trout pool. Within half an hour, I catch the first keeper of the season. Life ain't bad, man. Life ain't bad.

A little later, I still have just the one fish, but I'm thinking, Don't knock it dude. You need to get home and take care of some things there. Pack it in, clean this one, and put him up for later.

I get home, and the lovely and multi-talented AE is up and about. (She's on midnights now) I exhume the fish and am getting ready to clean it. She looks at it, asks what kind it is (brown trout), and says...

"Poor little guy."


Poor little guy my ass...he's dinner one night! *peace*

So you were wearing a French Maid's outfit? :D
We used to go fishing with my dad - we loved helping to clean the fish...at least our idea of cleaning the fish. He'd wash them & gut them & we'd chase each other around with the eyes and pop the lungs :D
I do not wear a french maids outfit!!!

beyond that I know not to clean a fish in Leslie's presence.
paul_valaru said:
I do not wear a french maids outfit!!!

beyond that I know not to clean a fish in Leslie's presence.

So which maid's outfit do you wear? Wouldn't want SnP to be unsuitably attired when he next feels your pain... :rofl4:
Gato_Solo said:
So which maid's outfit do you wear? Wouldn't want SnP to be unsuitably attired when he next feels your pain... :rofl4:



sorry to ruin your fantasies but when I am dressed it is usually jeans and t-shirts unless I am at work, then it is pants and shirt.

nope, no costumes.


paul_valaru said:


sorry to ruin your fantasies but when I am dressed it is usually jeans and t-shirts unless I am at work, then it is pants and shirt.

nope, no costumes.



Okay. :D Way to ruin a good joke, though...:mope:
unless you count the tarzan loincloth?

(faux fur of course)

so what pain by the way, there is no pain, I know it might amaze you, but she does eat dead animal, and it is even allowed in the house.

I just learnt not to walk through the meat aisle pointing out the different qualities of meats, and the wonderful marbling of the meat, and how that would increase it's flavour.

even funnier, I will drink soy milk and eat tofu...she won't!!!

and I saw her kill a baby seal yesterday!!! (ok, that part is a lie)
I can still remember the first time I had to field dress a deer, I was like 10-12ish it was the sadist nastiest thing I'd ever done and shortly there after I decided I wasn't big on hunting.

However, it was not the last time I had to do it. A few years later my dad had gone bow hunting earlier in the morning and because he worked second shift. He quickly brought it home and strung it up on the basket ball goal poll. He started the cutting and had me removing parts. Out of the cornor of my eye I see the kindergarten bus drive up. I stopped, entrails dripping from my hand, and I looked right at the bus. I still remember the little eyes looking back at me like I just killed bambie or something. :eek5:

My dad, "well that will put hair on their chest..."
paul_valaru said:
unless you count the tarzan loincloth?

Better Ted than dead?
That is the best I have ever seen Ted look. I am actually sexually attracted to that picture.....I'll be back later...
AlphaTroll said:
We used to go fishing with my dad - we loved helping to clean the fish...at least our idea of cleaning the fish. He'd wash them & gut them & we'd chase each other around with the eyes and pop the lungs :D
Erm... fish????
Yeah, we called them lungs, was those white airbubble things, I think they were situated somewhere in the area where we assumed the lungs would be, hence the 'lungs' (and I should have put it in itallics for sure).
SnP...you're a nice guy and all that...but :stfu:
:crying4: No fishing for me for a while :(


BTW...MS. Nice sig..where'd ya get it.
Si les cerveaux étaient de l'essence, ils ne seraient pas suffisants pour faire tourner un kart de fourmis à l'intérieur d'un beignet.
If (his/her) brains were gas, there wouldn't be enough to run an ant gocart inside a doughnut hole?!? :rofl:
And I still say Poor Little Guy. SNP is not telling the whole story. After doing the preperation of the fish for cooking there is probably only 2 bites. He needed to grow up some more.