Feeling strange...


Kinda empty... but also fulfilled...

Wrong yet right...

Hated yet loved...

Ack! Anyone else feeling the same... kinda "misplaced" and "unsettled?" :confused:
Quarter life crisis. I am exactley the same. I think it may have to do with being at a transitional stage in your life. You should be thinking about buying a house but lets face it, the possibility of affording one is zilch. I also sometimes think I should be in a proper settled down relationship and shopping at Ikea every saturday.

Instead I have a hangover and a scratch on my knee from investigating pagan symbols on a methodist church last night after leaving the pub.

If you have read the da vinci code, it is quite shocking how many of the templar symbols are on methodist churches.
Lopan said:
Quarter life crisis. I am exactley the same. I think it may have to do with being at a transitional stage in your life. You should be thinking about buying a house but lets face it, the possibility of affording one is zilch. I also sometimes think I should be in a proper settled down relationship and shopping at Ikea every saturday.

Instead I have a hangover and a scratch on my knee from investigating pagan symbols on a methodist church last night after leaving the pub.

If you have read the da vinci code, it is quite shocking how many of the templar symbols are on methodist churches.
i just finished that on audio book...very interesting.
hope you feel better claire.
The defects of the understanding,
like those of the face,
grow worse as we grow old.
Lopan said:
Quarter life crisis. I am exactley the same. I think it may have to do with being at a transitional stage in your life. You should be thinking about buying a house but lets face it, the possibility of affording one is zilch. I also sometimes think I should be in a proper settled down relationship and shopping at Ikea every saturday.

Instead I have a hangover and a scratch on my knee from investigating pagan symbols on a methodist church last night after leaving the pub.

If you have read the da vinci code, it is quite shocking how many of the templar symbols are on methodist churches.

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!

I'm sick of being young!!!!!! I'm sick of having no one and nothing... leading a pointless life, with a pointless job (yes the world will definitely cope if I never turned up to work ever again!)

I'm 24... living with my parents in my family home, with a minimum wage job for which I'm over qualified for... and all I want is to actually have someone to ask someone to move their lager so I can polish underneath it and remind him and his mates to remove their shoes when they come staggering in from the pub so as not to mark the carpet, as you say someone to go round Ikea with a buy cheap pointless house wares...

For me even climbing up a church wall to look at templar symbolism would be a plus... to even fall off the church would be a plus....

I have an absolutely stinking hangover... :sick: I was drinking on Saturday night! Its monday!!!! How crap am I? :mope:
tonksy said:
i just finished that on audio book...very interesting.
hope you feel better claire.

Thanks Tonks... Lopan's nailed it though.. it is quarter life crisis.

My friends are all either engaged, married, pregnant or parents... they have a family and are loved and have someone to love... I have nothing. nothing thats mine and you feel like you're in limbo.

The feelings of inadequacy kinna paralises you too...

I'll be fine... just feeling bleurgh! You know how it is! Alcohol is a depressive... i get like this!
ClaireBear said:
Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!

I'm sick of being young!!!!!! I'm sick of having no one and nothing... leading a pointless life, with a pointless job (yes the world will definitely cope if I never turned up to work ever again!)

I'm 24... living with my parents in my family home, with a minimum wage job for which I'm over qualified for... and all I want is to actually have someone to ask someone to move their lager so I can polish underneath it and remind him and his mates to remove their shoes when they come staggering in from the pub so as not to mark the carpet, as you say someone to go round Ikea with a buy cheap pointless house wares...

For me even climbing up a church wall to look at templar symbolism would be a plus... to even fall off the church would be a plus....

I have an absolutely stinking hangover... :sick: I was drinking on Saturday night! Its monday!!!! How crap am I? :mope:

I miss waking up next to someone who gives a shit about how your feeling in the morning and then makes you a cup of tea.

The symbolism with relation to the book and church is quite amazing. The church is about 500 years old, might be even more. theres a templar cross on the front that is inside a triangle, although its not a full triangle just the corners. Theres a star of David above that and loads of other odd symbols like roses and stuff. I may pop in there one sunday and have a look about.

I'll happily report any pagan orgies that go on (please let there be pagan orgies) :la:
Lopan said:
I miss waking up next to someone who gives a shit about how your feeling in the morning and then makes you a cup of tea.

Stuff the tea! :p :hump:

But yeah... its the little things innit. Ack! Just ack and meh!

The symbolism with relation to the book and church is quite amazing. The church is about 500 years old, might be even more. theres a templar cross on the front that is inside a triangle, although its not a full triangle just the corners. Theres a star of David above that and loads of other odd symbols like roses and stuff. I may pop in there one sunday and have a look about.

Careful now... if you start to smoke and get a little hot under the collar... probably best that you leave!!! :p

I'll happily report any pagan orgies that go on (please let there be pagan orgies) :la:

:rofl: If that was the case I think I'd definitely be joining you in scaling church walls!!!!
ClaireBear said:
Stuff the tea! :p :hump:

But yeah... its the little things innit. Ack! Just ack and meh!

One does not :hump: until I be getting my tea on :)

Careful now... if you start to smoke and get a little hot under the collar... probably best that you leave!!! :p

I'm a christened catholic I'll have you know, and on occasion I may have been in a church to get my pray on. Who am I kidding, organised religion sucks. I made up my own.

:rofl: If that was the case I think I'd definitely be joining you in scaling church walls!!!!

well it wouldn't be a proper orgy without you bear, any other takers?

no sniggering and pointing though
Lopan said:
One does not :hump: until I be getting my tea on :)

Teasmaid in the bedroom then... or travel kettle on a tray... a metal tray!

Aaaah memories!..Uni halls... the mark of a true Brit student... kettle on a metal tray along with value brand coffee, bourbon biscuits and rum... okay the rum was just me... :D

I'm a christened catholic I'll have you know, and on occasion I may have been in a church to get my pray on. Who am I kidding, organised religion sucks. I made up my own.

"Get your pray on"... Wow! I bet you Priest is proud! "Get your pray on" less would give most Father's a heart attack!!!! :D :p

Do tell more about this religion Lopan... so it involves crawling on church rooves, pissed as a fart and injuring oneself... yes?

well it wouldn't be a proper orgy without you bear, any other takers?

no sniggering and pointing though

I thank you... I see my reputation preceeds me! :p :kiss:

yup... no sniggering and pointing though... unless anyones into that kind of thing... derision and abuse... you know! :p
ah the star of david! i love the pagan undertones of that! the sword and the challis together. very...sordid.
Well my religion is similar to christianity in that we go to church on sunday. Although services are allowed any night of the week, but sunday is best.

We meet at the "church" around 12pm, although we call our house of worship "the pub" we then have mass which involves watching the match whilst imbibing vast quantities of Stella. You get the picture lol.

I just believe in being a decent person and thats about it. And having a Harem of naked biatches should also be allowed.
Lopan said:
Well my religion is similar to christianity in that we go to church on sunday. Although services are allowed any night of the week, but sunday is best.

We meet at the "church" around 12pm, although we call our house of worship "the pub" we then have mass which involves watching the match whilst imbibing vast quantities of Stella. You get the picture lol.

I just believe in being a decent person and thats about it. And having a Harem of naked biatches should also be allowed.

Wow! Looks like I've been an honourary member of said religion for the past 7 years!!!! In fact between the age of 18 and 21 I could have preached to the masses about its benefits... :drink:

The decent person bit tends to be the bit thats the same in all religion... no killing, theiving, bonking... you know... all the fun stuff! I don't believe you need to be a member of anything to lead a life following those rules... if you wanna be a fully paid up memeber of one of the god squads then... fine... but its not my bag. if ever I feel the need to embrace a God and/or pray I don't need anyone's instruction or "house" to do it in! I think thats a slight Humanist view... :shrug:
When I was at school we had religous assembly and I always envied the jehovahs witness who got to sit in the library whilst someone tried to convince us that a whale ate jonah or that noah made an ark. even at the age of 9 I thought what a load of crap.

I quite dig hinduism and buddhism though the stories are far more interesting and less preachy. Don't try the holier than thou crap with me.

There is one thing I wonder though:
If we all should believe in god and God is in all of us then couldn't you take that as believe in yourself?
Lopan said:
There is one thing I wonder though:
If we all should believe in god and God is in all of us then couldn't you take that as believe in yourself?

Ever heard of The Dead Sea Scrolls?

Well... I think I read somewhere a while back that these writings, found in the 30s/40's said just that kind of thing... basically writing off the need for any real organised religion... which kinda looked bad for the whole Catholic regime... those guys raking in vast profits and telling people exactly how to live, breath.. even pray!!! So they quashed it... meant to be locked away in the Vatican somewhere. :shrug:

Supposedly they are the "real" teachings of Jesus, Judaism and early Christianity... one section says summit about finding him in every tree, rock natural object... not where someone says he is... like a church or meeting house or through some poor bloke riddled with parkinson's... :shrug:
ClaireBear said:
Ever heard of The Dead Sea Scrolls?

Well... I think I read somewhere a while back that these writings, found in the 30s/40's said just that kind of thing... basically writing off the need for any real organised religion... which kinda looked bad for the whole Catholic regime... those guys raking in vast profits and telling people exactly how to live, breath.. even pray!!! So they quashed it... meant to be locked away in the Vatican somewhere. :shrug:

Supposedly they are the "real" teachings of Jesus, Judaism and early Christianity... one section says summit about finding him in every tree, rock natural object... not where someone says he is... like a church or meeting house or through some poor bloke riddled with parkinson's... :shrug:

Yeah I read that somewhere. I think its quite easy to think that way especially given that love of God didnt pay for the churches and cathedrals, fear of hell did. I know quite a few christians and I find them a likeable lot, the college I work for is C of E. The basic premise of christianity is love and thats a good thing. I get annoyed with the fundamentalists who use christianity as a weapon. I mean really what part of thou shalt not kill are they having difficulty understandng.

I do really like looking round old churches and cathedrals, theres a really cool one near me that has ivy growing on its steeple and it changes colour depending on the season.
Lopan said:
I do really like looking round old churches and cathedrals, theres a really cool one near me that has ivy growing on its steeple and it changes colour depending on the season.

Sounds like a Virgina Creeper.. turns red in the Autumn right? Bright red?

I'm into Monestaries (sp!? I'm getting sick of this now!)... I've been driven miles to go look at "the oldest church in Cumbria" or a "fine example of Medievil doom paintings" since I was old enough to walk...

Ever been to Durham Cathedral? I had my Matriculation and Graduation ceremonies in there!!!!
ClaireBear said:
Sounds like a Virgina Creeper.. turns red in the Autumn right? Bright red?

thats the one its really pretty, mind you the whold lake district is like a huge kaleidoscope.

Ever been to Durham Cathedral? I had my Matriculation and Graduation ceremonies in there!!!!

yes all the way to the top of the tower, scared the shit out of me. I had mine here :D


which is greenwich university, tres impressive as its the old royal naval college


and we had drinks in this hall, i cant find a pic of the chapel but that was pretty impresive to

Hark at you... :kiss:

At last someone from a real University!

Very snazzy... but if thats a Naval Uni... *CB's confused* Get sea sick do you?
Lopan said:
Well my religion is similar to christianity in that we go to church on sunday. Although services are allowed any night of the week, but sunday is best.

We meet at the "church" around 12pm, although we call our house of worship "the pub" we then have mass which involves watching the match whilst imbibing vast quantities of Stella. You get the picture lol.

I just believe in being a decent person and thats about it. And having a Harem of naked biatches should also be allowed.

:laugh5: OMG-TYSM... needed that for monday morning. especially today 2-14-2005