Fengs dead cat recipe's


New Member
No doupt a four star resturant in the area...

BEIJING (Reuters) - Banner-wielding animal rights protesters swarmed into a restaurant serving cat meat in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen and forced it to shut, Xinhua news agency said Sunday.

The 40 or so, mainly female demonstrators -- holding banners reading "cats and dogs are friends of human beings" -- entered the Fangji Cat Meatball restaurant and demanded the owner free any live cats on the premises, Xinhua said.

There were none in the building, as the owner had already moved them out, it said. But some burst into tears upon finding a skinned cat in a fridge.
That, ladies & gentlemen, is the first shot in the war for China. Banner-wielding animal rights protesters will get ya every time.
Inkara1 said:
Hmm... maybe I should ditch the OTC BBQ and go to China to eat some pussy, instead.

That's right, when asked what you did for your vacation you can say you ate pussy every day...
:rolleyes: Becha both had to think real hard to come up with that one. :grinno:

I for one, will never understand how people think they can dictate to others what they should be eating. It's personal choice, and one man's cat is another's cow, so to speak. :shrug: If it ain't someone's pet or red-listed (eg humpback whale, you goddamned 'researchers'), then so what?