fever: 38.4ºC

there's nothing better to do, i can't sleep, i can't go out, i'm locked in my room, and the best thing i can do to avoid getting pissed off is to surf the net.
Some coughing due to tickles in the throat, and i have transparent mucosity in the nose.
Whenever someone is sick I am afraid they have SARS (a new mutant pnemonia or something). they have put all hospitals in Ontario under lock down. Unless you are a patient you can only enter if you work there, have a critically ill patien tyou wanna visit or are the parent of a child in the hospital and even then you have to sign forms and wear a mask and stuff. It is really bad in Hong Kong too...
True, but their systems aren't sabotaged by continual antibiotics and antibacterials. Our systems aren't half as tough as they should be.

Remember, washing your hands frequently, with soap is still the best defense.