6 MARCH 2002
SLRC Condemns Dees Hatchet Job
Black Mountain, NC - The Southern Legal Resource Center, Inc. condemns in the strongest possible terms the irresponsible and defamatory attack on the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Confederate Community by the Intelligence Report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
In yet another attempt to influence the upcoming SCV elections, the SPLC intelligence Report defames a wide variety of SCV members, past and present, including Gen William D. McCain, who being deceased, cannot defend himself.
Of course the SPLC has a long-standing vendetta against the Southern Legal Resource Center's Chief Trial Counsel, Kirk D. Lyons and is willing to stoop to new lows in distorting and misquoting Lyons message of Southern Civil Rights.
As Southerners, we condemn also the Southern collaborators who cooperated and contributed interviews to the SPLC report. The Southern Poverty Law Center stands against everything decent Southerners, black & white believe. "They should be anathema to all decent people." said Dr. Neill H. Payne, " SLRC Executive Director and SCV member.
"They are nurturing a viper to their breast, and when all the folks they don't like in the SCV are gone, the SPLC viper will turn on these collaborators and finish them off." said Lourie A. Salley, SLRC's CEO and SCV member.
"I don't blame anybody for being afraid of a $100 million Goliath like Dees & company," said Chief Trial Counsel & 25 year SCV member Kirk D. Lyons, "But this must be a time for Southerners to be brave and stand up to the likes of Dees. For any Southern Heritage group to truckle to Dees at this time would be disastrous," Lyons concluded.
The SLRC is preparing a Fact Sheet on Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center that we will be happy to send free upon request, by either email or regular mail.
The SLRC is non-profit, tax exempt, South Carolina public law firm that specializes in cases involving Southern Heritage violations.