Fighting back

Gonz said:
This is a much confused issue. However, in the end, children do not & can not have the same rights (nor expectations) as adults. One of the major scrweups in the last couple of decades is making kids think they're adults.

Yeah, but I don't see the words 'You must be 18 years of age or older to be eligable' in the First Amendment.
That's because in 1792, parents controlled their smartaleck kid & the children wouln't have had the impetus to suggest they had amy rights.
Altron said:
Try prohibiting a flag for a minority, and suddenly it's racist. But it's fine to prohibit Confederate flags, since only white people have them, and we aren't a minority, so it doesn't matter what we think.

Take ten minutes of your life, and do something for me if you would.

Google H.K. Edgerton.
Gonz said:
That's because in 1792, parents controlled their smartaleck kid & the children wouln't have had the impetus to suggest they had amy rights.

You're quoting Jefferson in your sig, and he was of the 'If it doesn't explicitly say it, it doesn't say it at all' camp.

The point is, it's censorship in a government-run building. That is not OK whatsoever by the Constitution.

I googled HK Edgerton. I hope his march goes well. I don't particularly agree with the Southern cause, how can I, being that I live in the North and my grandfather's grandfather was in the war and got shot and spent a year in Andersonville, but just because you guys lost the war doesn't mean you should lose your national heritage. Imagine the scandal if the US just walked into Iraq, banned Islam and displaying the Iraq flag, just because we won and they didn't.
HK's march is over. He is still fighting the good fight though. He's spoken at our SCV camp meetings before, and has pledged to come back if the furor over schools using the Rebels mascot hits our local high school, as it likely will. He is a dynamic speaker and one of the better debators I know of.

It really puts a burr under a lot of saddles to learn that a past state president of the NAACP is also a proud defender of Southern heritage. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive, and I'll give you one guess as to which organization is trying to make them so.
2minkey said:
try googling kirk d. lyons, too.

with guys like that working on behalf of your cause, um, yeah....

Don't have to. I know who he is. The SLRC (Southern Legal Resource Center) and the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) are organizations at odds with one another. The latter is far from reputable, as evidenced by the following (of many I could have chosen):

6 MARCH 2002

SLRC Condemns Dees Hatchet Job

Black Mountain, NC - The Southern Legal Resource Center, Inc. condemns in the strongest possible terms the irresponsible and defamatory attack on the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Confederate Community by the Intelligence Report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In yet another attempt to influence the upcoming SCV elections, the SPLC intelligence Report defames a wide variety of SCV members, past and present, including Gen William D. McCain, who being deceased, cannot defend himself.

Of course the SPLC has a long-standing vendetta against the Southern Legal Resource Center's Chief Trial Counsel, Kirk D. Lyons and is willing to stoop to new lows in distorting and misquoting Lyons message of Southern Civil Rights.

As Southerners, we condemn also the Southern collaborators who cooperated and contributed interviews to the SPLC report. The Southern Poverty Law Center stands against everything decent Southerners, black & white believe. "They should be anathema to all decent people." said Dr. Neill H. Payne, " SLRC Executive Director and SCV member.

"They are nurturing a viper to their breast, and when all the folks they don't like in the SCV are gone, the SPLC viper will turn on these collaborators and finish them off." said Lourie A. Salley, SLRC's CEO and SCV member.

"I don't blame anybody for being afraid of a $100 million Goliath like Dees & company," said Chief Trial Counsel & 25 year SCV member Kirk D. Lyons, "But this must be a time for Southerners to be brave and stand up to the likes of Dees. For any Southern Heritage group to truckle to Dees at this time would be disastrous," Lyons concluded.

The SLRC is preparing a Fact Sheet on Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center that we will be happy to send free upon request, by either email or regular mail.

The SLRC is non-profit, tax exempt, South Carolina public law firm that specializes in cases involving Southern Heritage violations.

These two organizations began their squabble as a power struggle over the SCV, Sons Of Confederate Veterans, America's oldest Confederate memorial heritage organization, of which I am a proud member (Gen. John Hunt Morgan camp #2053). Among our more recent projects have been the clean up and maintenence of Confederate soldiers' graves, the painting of a local church, and financial and collatteral assistance annually to the recreation of the Battle of Blue Springs historic re-enactment. The majority of SCV camps and members have denounced the SLPC as a divisive misguided organization. I agree, and their continuous smear campaign is nothing more than one would expect from such folk.

Kirk Lyons is outspoken, and I personally do not agree with every statement that comes from his mouth. I do endorse his dedication to preserving an accurate account of Southern history unedited by New England poison pens, and his unflagging embrace of Southern heritage for both black and white Southerners.

You're new here. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt until I see that I can't or that you're another cut and run member. I'll intelligently debate this or any other topic with you until I see that I can't do so, as others have proven unable to intelligently discuss it. Disagree with me all you like. But you better know your facts cuz I sure as hell know mine.

And just to show my willingness to meet ya on neutral ground, I'll restate something for the nth time on here: I am a proud Southern Appalachian rural country boy. I support the ideaology espoused by the Constitution of the Confederate States of America with the notable exception of the perpetuation of human slavery, which I firmly believe would have died out on its own as it did everywhere else on Earth without an invasion from the north, which was about anything BUT slavery. I am not a racist by any definition. I denounce any agenda set forth by the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood, or any other race based assemblage, period dot semicolon. I harbor particular contempt for any individual who misuses, misrepresents, or otherwise mishandles the Confederate National Flag, Confederate Battle Flag, or any other Confederate symbol or image.

And welcome to OTC. Always nice to see a new face afoot.
SouthernN'Proud said:
And welcome to OTC. Always nice to see a new face afoot.

Be careful who you talk to around here. minkeys have been known to bite.
hmmm... seems to me that lyons is a little too far out there (e.g. denying the holocaust) to serve as a very good representative for ANY movement. in fact i'd say he's a serious hindrance to any southern heritage movement that doesn't want to be seen as a bunch of, well, wacky white separatists like lyons. seems fairly equivalent to what's-his-face... farrakhan. so far out they just seem silly, and do more harm than good by further marginalizing the people they claim to represent.

i don't know what the civil war was really about. but it probably wasn't about what my grade school textbooks said it was. i suspect it had something to do with an impropriety in economic relations between the north and south. and i'm receptive to learning. but not from guys like lyons.

yeah i have a laugh every once in a while when i see something about the SPLC. they really manage to make the left look like a bunch of weenies.

a guy i know wrote a book you might be interested in. "the invention of appalachia." it's about appalachia being used as a political symbol by folks outside of appalachia. but, then, you probably know that story already.
2minkey said:
hmmm... seems to me that lyons is a little too far out there (e.g. denying the holocaust) to serve as a very good representative for ANY movement. in fact i'd say he's a serious hindrance to any southern heritage movement that doesn't want to be seen as a bunch of, well, wacky white separatists like lyons. seems fairly equivalent to what's-his-face... farrakhan. so far out they just seem silly, and do more harm than good by further marginalizing the people they claim to represent.

As I said, I don't agree with his entire rhetoric. He is a bit out there on some things. Sad.

2minkey said:
i don't know what the civil war was really about. but it probably wasn't about what my grade school textbooks said it was. i suspect it had something to do with an impropriety in economic relations between the north and south. and i'm receptive to learning. but not from guys like lyons.

Hey, at least I don't have to start from scratch with you. That's a plus.

You are correct when you surmise that your textbooks misled you in many key ways.

Economic issues were a major reason most states seceded. In the words of that *gag* "great American", Dishonest Abe himself...

hypocrite said:
We cannot allow the Southern states to go in peace. Who would pay for the government?

Face it...ya can't grow cotton in Vermont.

Should you request, I shall be thrilled to provide you with a litany of resources for accurate PM. Been down this road before with others, and I ain't got time to educate the entire membership of this site one at a time.

2minkey said:
yeah i have a laugh every once in a while when i see something about the SPLC. they really manage to make the left look like a bunch of weenies.


2minkey said:
a guy i know wrote a book you might be interested in. "the invention of appalachia." it's about appalachia being used as a political symbol by folks outside of appalachia. but, then, you probably know that story already

Haven't read that one yet, but I will if my library has it. I've had another person recommend that one to me as well, so I'll give it a perusal and see if it holds water. I am something of an amateur historian when it comes to Appalachia, particularly the Southern Highlands region, and always crave to learn more about it. I am aware of some of the political tactics utilized by nefarious persons in their stereotyping for self gain, and not all of them were outsiders. Among the more grevious modern day offenders is Dolly Parton, but that's a whole different thread.

So far so good.

May I also recommend a little reading? I will warn you...this book is more than a little one sided. But it has its facts straight at least, and if you can forgive some of the more overt "propoganda style" commentary there's a lot to be learned from it. It's called The South Was Right! and is written by the brothers Kennedy. No worries...they're from Louisiana, and as far as I know have never killed anyone while drunk. :lloyd: