

Out-freaking-standing OTC member
About 20 years ago, I got a cavity in my back molar, which I dutifully had taken care of by my local dentist. About 10 years ago, the filling came out, and I had it replaced by my local military dentist. Last week, that filling came out, so I had to go to the dental clinic today to get the filling replaced...yet again. I was sitting here at my desk just tonight, and guess what just came out? You guessed it. My new filling. I have but one question...why in the hell do they call these fillings permanent? I wasn't eating anything overly hot, cold, chewy, or sticky, and I had waited 4 hours before eating anything.
Looks like another trip to the dental clinic tomorrow during walk-ins. :rolleyes:
How strange.

As a sidenote, I have almost finished a large amount of dental work and I gotta say - the difference between military dentists and the civilian sector is amazing!
Buddy I know what you are going through. On Monday I had a filling replaced on the same tooth for the third time in the last 6 years.
I had two wisdom teeth fixed...and now the tooth itself is gone, but the filling remains. :(

I should've gotten them pulled years ago, but they came in straight :shrug:
Well. I now have another 'temporary' filling, and another appointment for a new 'permanent' filling. I asked Dr Drill'n'fill about a crown instead, but he is saying that he'd rather not. Something about shaving off living tissue to put on the crown. Guess they have too much amalgam in the backlog...:crap:
I had a filling today myself. I have a great dentist but it still hurt like hell. Unfortunately, the damage was more than expected (BTW - for the record, this was decay underneath a filling I got in the navy :mad: ) and he feels that the filling will only last for a couple years perhaps and then I will need a crown.
Immediately after I had my wisdom teeth out I felt like I was floating above the chair :D

It wasn't so pleasant after I got home and the nitrous wore off...luckily my momma took time off work and stayed home to pump me full of painkillers and make sure I didn't fall off the couch (all I did for like three days was sleep on the couch, I was STONED on some super strong painkillers).

That said, having my teeth cut in quarters and my gums stitched together was much more pleasant than I imagine having the teeth come in woulda been...I had them out pretty early too, I was like 15.
:( I remember that! I had mine out when I was around your age. Thank GOD for percocet.

I need to have a (phonetic spelling) frenectomy and a lower molar extraction but it's on hold until after the renovations as the price is sure to me staggering. Not looking forward to the procedure but I'll be happy when my dental needs are all met.
I had my wisdom teeth removed in 1994. It was at the Dental Clinic at Osan AB. My mouth hurt for two weeks afterward. Even the alcoholic beverages didn't help...:crap:
I was lucky, my face didn't bruise or anything...thinking back I developed a habit of playing with the stitches with my tongue rather quickly after the incredible pain subsided...I have a habit of picking up little weird habits...
:( I remember that! I had mine out when I was around your age. Thank GOD for percocet.

I need to have a (phonetic spelling) frenectomy and a lower molar extraction but it's on hold until after the renovations as the price is sure to me staggering. Not looking forward to the procedure but I'll be happy when my dental needs are all met.

I was a "possible frenectomy" patient while I had my braces one because they thought it would hinder my treatment, but it didn't.

Five years after I get them off and have pretty pearly whites, I feel a wisdom tooth coming in...
I was a "possible frenectomy" patient while I had my braces one because they thought it would hinder my treatment, but it didn't.

Five years after I get them off and have pretty pearly whites, I feel a wisdom tooth coming in...

Oh dude, get it checked ASAP...just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's the top of the tooth you're feeling...and the problems escalate if the tooth is coming in sideways and is left too long. Of if it comes in straight and moves the rest of your teeth...eep