Finale (The Kicker) (3)


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UN = bunch of commies. Just because they appoint everyone and they ain't democratically elected.
Sorry got my stories mixed up. This is the one i should have referred you to.
i'll take that one with a very large grain of salt considering the source.
i don't put too much faith in religious publications commenting on politics and vice versa.
no pun intended BTW.
Just because the source is religous doesn't mean he's spouting bullshit. If this were the case i wouldn't have posted it. Check your history book.
i didn't say it was bullshit.

So what does all this mean? the plain truth is that the United Nations has been designed to be a communistic world government from its very beginning.

What will happen? The United Nations will obtain the world domination that it has been planning for since its beginning. Communism will achieve its dream of ruling the world, but only for a very short time. We know this because the New World Order beast of Revelation 13 appears in another prophecy in Revelation 17. In Revelation 17:3 the beast is red. Red is used by
God in another prophecy Communism (See chapter 3 of A Message for the President). And why not?! Red is the official color denoting Communism—Red China, Red Russia, et al.

There are some dreadful times just ahead for this world. The consolation is that the deep darkness that lies just ahead will soon be replaced by the glorious dawning of the kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. And He shall reign forever!!

but you must admit these last few paragraphs are a bit "out there".
then take into account that religion in general and communisim are opposing ideologies.
do you see why i said i'd take it with a grain of salt?
I think we can safely seperate this, "So what does all this mean? the plain truth is that the United Nations has been designed to be a communistic world government from its very beginning"

From this

What will happen? The United Nations will obtain the world domination that it has been planning for since its beginning. Communism will achieve its dream of ruling the world, but only for a very short time. We know this because the New World Order beast of Revelation 13 appears in another prophecy in Revelation 17. In Revelation 17:3 the beast is red. Red is used by
God in another prophecy Communism (See chapter 3 of A Message for the President). And why not?! Red is the official color denoting Communism—Red China, Red Russia, et al.

We don't have to take it or leave it all. These documents are obvoiusly filled with facts and opinion. One does not by default render the other invalid. The facts of these documents clearly point to the statement
So what does all this mean? the plain truth is that the United Nations has been designed to be a communistic world government from its very beginning
I don't see what's so difficult to believe here. Check each individual claim with other legitimate sources and if you find inconsistancies then post them. Otherwise don't worry about any christianess accidentally rubbing off on you if you believe some of this because it doesn't work that way.

btw, here's an interesting link
well, i didn't say i didn't believe it either.
what i did say was that i would take it with a large grain of salt.
by that i meant that there seemed to be some legitimate points in the article. i will readily admit that my knowledge base of the UN and its functions are limited to what i read in the papers so i will need to research more before i will say if they are onto something or not. however, those last few paragraphs made the entire article read like a religious ideological rant. they were making a point about the UN and communisim being essentially the same then went and ruined it by connecting the UN/communism with the beast mentioned in revelations and the coming spiritual darkness prior to the 2nd coming of christ.

"So what does all this mean? the plain truth is that the United Nations has been designed to be a communistic world government from its very beginning"

had they left the article there, i would have lent more creedence to it. since they insisted on throwing religious mythology in there, it makes me wonder if they truly are onto something or if they are just trying to stir up the believers.
anything said or done by a fundamentalist anything gets looked at with a jaundiced eye by me.
I take everything with a grain of salt until confirmed. Even the major news agencies have their bios'. Unfortunatley it's much more covert and difficult to see. Atleast these religous websites don't attempt to hide what's driving them. My point is though that nothing can be taken at face value anymore, not even cnn.