Finding that enforces evolution theory?

Luis G

Staff member
Why one species branches into two is a question that has haunted evolutionary biologists since Darwin.

Given our planet's rich biodiversity, "speciation" clearly happens regularly, but scientists cannot quite pinpoint the driving forces behind it.

Now, researchers studying a family of butterflies think they have witnessed a subtle process, which could be forcing a wedge between newly formed species.

The team, from Harvard University, US, discovered that closely related species living in the same geographical space displayed unusually distinct wing markings.

These wing colours apparently evolved as a sort of "team strip", allowing butterflies to easily identify the species of a potential mate.

Rest of the story
Re: Finding to enforce evolution theory?

Reminds me of a study done on moths in a region where there had been many birch trees anda recent fire. Part of the moth population succesfully changed their coloration form white to black over a short time (several generations as moths go) in order to survive longer.

I really must find that link.
Thanks Luis!
Re: Finding to enforce evolution theory?

And the mating habits of butterflies obviously describes how ameoba grew legs. Yup, that solves it all.
Re: Finding to enforce evolution theory?

Professur said:
And the mating habits of butterflies obviously describes how ameoba grew legs. Yup, that solves it all.
An amoeba doesn't have legs. :p
I don't see what the problem is. Democrats are one step off of tapeworms and Republicans are in the same family as jellyfish. There is no missing link.
Winky said:
So who descended from E.T. ?
Seen a picture of Ross Perot lately?


'nuff said
Winky said:
We are their slaves!
and that goes a long way to explaining why MS-sattelite doesn't show Area 51!!

My God Winky!!! We are on teh cusp of the greatest revelation known to man!!!

either that, or I need another drink
Doesn't cananada have laws against drinkin'
and drivin' on the information superhighway?
Winky said:
Doesn't cananada have laws against drinkin'
and drivin' on the information superhighway?
Nah...we just aren't allowed to do math.

Remember kids, Don't Drink and Derive
Re: Finding to enforce evolution theory?

Professur said:
And the mating habits of butterflies obviously describes how ameoba grew legs. Yup, that solves it all.

the anonymous karma God said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Professur again.
Mating habits and reproduction ARE evolution...change something, if it increases your chance of survival you have better odds of passing on those genes. Reinforce those genes with selective breeding...rinse, repeat.

Example - the Giraffes' long necks. A few short-necked Girraffes had offspring with longer necks, which meant the kids got to more leaves on trees. They were healthier, lived longer, bred and the next generation had greater odds of having long necks.

If it makes it easier for you to swallow...think of it as Evolution=God's great plan. Bigger, better, faster, more.