Gonz said:
oh I love this
Quit showing off!
*I can't afford to move right now and I'm not at all sure that Dara would find faster internet service a good enough reason anyway :lloyd: *
I'd have to come and install it myself
too make sure you didn’t
hook it up behind some 'router on router' configuration
or some other sacrilegious act against such a
divine broadband internet connection such as the one you have...
I've stolen my sister in laws wireless Verizon D-Link & gave her my wired one & all is happy :D
Well thank Gawd
now I can finally sleep nights
Competition rears its ugly head & still Commiecast loses

Now Comcast offers a choice of connection speeds, so you can select the one that best fits your family's needs.

First, there's our high-velocity 6 Mbps connection, which makes exploring the Internet quick, easy and affordable. Download files in seconds flat, and send files and photos lickety-split.

Or, for just $10 more per month, you can enjoy our connection of 16 Mbps and enjoy download speeds up to 70 times faster than 56K dial-up and five times as fast as 768K DSL. It's so unbelievably fast, you'll wonder how you ever surfed the Web without it.

So for $12 more per month I can gain 1 MB download speed? Nah, thanks anyway.
Poor Comcrap, poor poor Comcrap...whenever will they learn? (or are you Roadrunner/fill in overpriced cable monopoly here)
Insight, which I hear is in the process of being bought by Comcast, according to an Insight employee I'm freinds with.
rrfield said:
Insight, which I hear is in the process of being bought by Comcast, according to an Insight employee I'm freinds with.

I know people that used to work there. Not the most highly recommended of employment options.
Or, for just $10 more per month, you can enjoy our connection of 16 Mbps and enjoy download speeds up to 70 times faster than 56K dial-up and five times as fast as 768K DSL. It's so unbelievably fast, you'll wonder how you ever surfed the Web without it.

So 16Mbps is only 5 times faster than 768kbps (i.e. 3840kbps) and 70 times faster than 56k (3920kbps)? :rolleyes:
It's official...comcrap bows to competition

The cable company is doubling download speeds for its fastest residential broadband package to 16 megabits a second, Indianapolis-based spokesman Mark Apple said Monday. Customers who subscribe to a lower-tier service will be able to send information out over the Internet at twice the previous speed. The prices for the two packages will remain the same.

buried way deep in the story, the truth comes out
Comcast’s fastest broadband package can download a 90-minute movie in a 457 megabyte file in a little more than nine minutes, Apple said.
Verizon’s top-tier fiber service will download a 500 megabyte television show in 2.2 minutes, Kula said. FiOS customers do not share their bandwidth with other customers, unlike cable modem users, so that speed is consistent at any time of day, he said.
Local rag
So I get this from Cox:


So I take a look at the modem and sure enough:


and have to floor it and see what this puppy can do:


They also have a premium offering one meg up and nine down!
TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.2.0f
click START to begin
Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 1.89Mb/s
running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 15.40Mb/s
The slowest link in the end-to-end path is a 10 Mbps Ethernet subnet