Firefox 1.0 Official

I'm running the 1.0PR and 0.9.8 on various machines, It'll be 1.4 before I porbably get around to updating.

* is lazy
Uninstall the old version. All the user data, like extensions and booksmarks will be there when you reinstall.
I finally got around to installing 1.0
I had no problems with 0.9.3, but I get this error when exiting
the last open instance of 1.0....
Anybody got any ideas how to fix it?
i installed it here at work yesterday, no problems so far, maybe that's because it's a compaq which works opposite of how PCs should work :lol:
catocom said:
I finally got around to installing 1.0
I had no problems with 0.9.3, but I get this error when exiting
the last open instance of 1.0....
Anybody got any ideas how to fix it?

Never seen that. Might try dumping the directory where Firefox is located. You might have a old extension or theme in there that the newer version of Firefox doesn't work with.
PostCode said:
Never seen that. Might try dumping the directory where Firefox is located. You might have a old extension or theme in there that the newer version of Firefox doesn't work with.

Yep tried that too.
Got the same on a reinstall.
I'm using win2k, it may be better with xp. :confused:
All my systems are XP here. I got that System Partner thingie through MS. Got a bunch of XP licences with a crap load of other software/licences for only $299. Anyway, one all these XP boxes, Firefox is running fine. That includes system with and without SP2 installed.
I reinstalled 0.9.3, and it worked fine for about 3 time, and now it's started doing
the same shit.
Damn that 1.0.
0.9.3 work all the time fine before i installed 1.0, and removed it.
It must be some registry setting that 1.0 puts in there.
ah, I found my problem.
I was actually using 0.9.2 (I think).
I installed the "roboform" plugin, to fill forms.
Well there's new plugin for 0.9.3, and 1.0,
and it doesn't work so good, hence the error.
I just apt-got it and noticed eh... No difference whatsoever except for the annoying 'go' button(removing it by hand was sooo straining) and the degradation of the link-searcher.