Firefox Poll

Hi, my name is Mark & I like Explorer. Firefox is good but IE is my favorite. :wave:
Depends what I'm using it for....for some reason I just can't get flash and quicktime to co-operate with Firefox :(
I'm trying to get some random error message and unexpected, unrequested reboot bugs rooted out of my system. Once I'm sure they're gone, I might try firefox again. Firefox (at least the beta version I was using) was one of the most frequent crashers for me, and IE was a lot more stable on my system.
Actually thats another point....random Firefox crashes....especially when the nice little quality survey comes up :eek6:

Besides that, I love it :)
Now, remember, Firefox may not be cooperating with some other program in the background. I've been running it stable on my systems well over a year now. Hell, I've been using it non-stop even before they built an installer for it but I've only experienced one crash in all that time that started the quality feedback agent. It could also be a program that is currently running on the system that doesn't like Firefox as well.
Prolly IE bitching at me for not using M$ that in the beta too...I always crash when I get the quality agent....ah well, I disabled that so I can live with using it for non-flash,non-qt sites now :)
Raven said:
Actually thats another point....random Firefox crashes....especially when the nice little quality survey comes up :eek6:

Besides that, I love it :)
You can choose not to install the QFA whan you install FF, and the crashes are probably because of other programs that don't like FF, not because of FF itself.

A tip for Debian users who can't get flash to work properly in FF: Install Flash manually from instead of apt-getting swfplayer.