First Aid Certification


New Member
Anyone here have a Level 3 Occupational First Aid cert?Costco may be paying for me to take the course as well as paying my wages whilst I'm enrolled in the two week task.I've always wanted to get take a FA course and I'm sure I'm up to the Academic work ,its just a matter of whether the Bakery can deal with my absence in light of vacations etc..
i have no idea what that is.
is it basic first aide or something more advanced?
The Emergency First Aid Occupational Level Three Progam entails

* Infant / Child Supplement
* Pregnancy / Childbirtth
* Bloodborne Pathogens
* Supplemental Oxygen
* Automated External Defibrilation
* Basic Life Support for Professionals
* Patient Packaging and Transport
* Advanced w/ multiple patient triage & Scenarios
* Coast to Coast Recognition
Leslie said:
Wow. and Costco's paying for that? :confuse3:
Yep they pay for employees to take the Level 3 so they will be first aid attendants ,the catch being you don't any extra $ per hr for being the on call FA Attendant,and you have to carry a radio in case an employee or member needs attention.Most cases are heart troubles and kids falling out of carts and the usual cuts and scrapes the employees get.
A.B.Normal said:
2-3 weeks 70hrs
about the same amount of time too.
they should pay you extra for that if they expect you to take on the responsibility of doing that at work.
Thats why the cover the cost of the course and pay your wages whilst your taking it .Cost of the course +wages = approx.$1500 in my case partime not at top rate ,others see more benifit if they are fulltime/toprate.
I'd much rather do it that way than shell out for the course myself and use my vacation time to attend the course,only to get a couple extra $ per paycheck that I'd probably never even notice. :shrug:
That's cool.

And then you can become Union Safety Rep. and have a job for life :lloyd:
i had something like that in the military...'course it was more about combat wounds instead of birthing babies....but at least i'm a handy chic to have around if you have a sucking chest wound or a broken bone.
I'm not sure where you are but here if you join a volunteer EMS organization and dedicate your time, they send you to EMT and Advanced EMT school for free.
If you take the course and you like it, I would recommend looking into volunteering. It's a great thing.
I don't think you need to be 18. I joined as a "cadet" when I was barely 17. We had members that were 13, they just couldn't ride the bus till they were 17 I think.
tonksy said:
i had something like that in the military...'course it was more about combat wounds instead of birthing babies....but at least i'm a handy chic to have around if you have a sucking chest wound or a broken bone.

Yeah, I had to take a military first aid course also. We have to take a refresher every two years.

We did do a very short section on birthing babies though.
tonksy said:
i had something like that in the military...'course it was more about combat wounds instead of birthing babies....but at least i'm a handy chic to have around if you have a sucking chest wound or a broken bone.

I have to say without fear of contradiction that all chest wounds, regardless of the direction of air flow, suck. :lloyd:
greenfreak said:
I don't think you need to be 18. I joined as a "cadet" when I was barely 17. We had members that were 13, they just couldn't ride the bus till they were 17 I think.

They told me I had to be 18. Maybe because it was a paid station? Or the volunteers they need have to be 18 to do certain things? I'm not sure. They told me that last November.