First concert


Well-Known Member
Me and my brother-in-law are going to see NIN later this week and we are bringing his older son. This will be his son's first concert.
Made me think of my first concert which was when I was about his age, 15.

The first show I went to was Cheap Trick. It was the "At Budokan" tour. I've been a fan of the band since. They recently toured and I wanted to go but ran up against a lack of interest.

What was the first concert you went to?
New Kids on the Block, I was 7 or 8

They're touring again right now and I'm going in Nov. I bought two tickets, haven't yet found someone willing to go with me but if need be I'll go alone.
Run DMC & Public Enemy. Then about a month later Cheap Trick. I was 14.
I was dating a guy big into rap and I love classic rock so we each took each other to a concert.
Juan Gabriel, can't remember the year, but I was well over 18.
Van seems there was a couple before that but I recall that one as a particularly early one.
Me and my brother-in-law are going to see NIN later this week and we are bringing his older son. This will be his son's first concert.

yay! my first (non-festival) concert was NIN as well! i was 14. they are a really good band to have be someone's first concert, but they may spoil your B-I-L's son... they put on such a great show, i often find myself unimpressed by other bands' concerts!

which show are you going to? i'm going to see them in philly on the 29th, my 3rd time seeing them, and i have actually-good seats this time, so i am PSYCHED!
Going to see them at the DCU center in Worcester, MA. I don't know where the seats are.
Wanted to see them at Mohegan Sun but the B-I-L got the tickets for Worcester instead.