First day of snow...

Getting popped in a honky tonk brawl does not equate to street cred ya silly redneck.

Hate to dissapoint you, Gonz but once for assault (framed, I was framed I tell ya) and once for public lewdness (peeing in a parking lot, but he couldn't have seen me actually doing it). I paid the fine (150 bucks and no, they won't take a check) on the second one, charges were thrown out on the first. Since then I have made it a priority to not get arrested again.
assault = bar fight :D

It's too long a story to get into here, but no. No bar involved. In fact, no drinking involved by anyone AFAIK. Since I was never there and didn't do any of the alleged assaulting, of course, I couldn't say for certain. There was drinking (and plenty of it) involved in the public lewdness charge however.