

Well-Known Member
Don't be so damn obsessive. I'm not talking about trout.

Anyone here have a fishtank? The missus bought one of those self contained AquaBabies microtanks. Basically a plexi box about 6 inches on a side, with a small hole in the top to feed the fish. Comes with two tiny fish, a snail and a bit of water plant of some kind. In the three weeks we've had it, the plant has tripled in size. The fish don't seem bothered by it, and are playing and hiding in it. But I don't think it's supposed to grow so fast or so big. So, do I pinch it off, or let it grow? Will the fish or the snail eat it back?
The fish and snail probably won't eat it. I'd keep it pinched back myself, but be sure to leave enough for them to play with. I've seen plants take over a fish tank pretty quick.
That's how it all started for me... Getting an aquababy. Yes, pinch the plant off but leave it in there, it's all part of the 'self contained ecosystem'. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't keep a fish like that but I tend to be what some may call 'overly sensitive' about animals.

My eco-fish didn't do all that well over time but I had that snail for quite a long time-be careful, they reproduce at an alarming rate. They don't need a mate to do it.

I decided when the fish died that I would get another and got a glass bowl and a calico fantail ryukin goldfish I named Emma. Had her for years too. Then I got a 10 gallon fishtank and more fish. Then a 30 gallon, yet more fish, two filters, bubble system... It's a viscous cycle!!
i have a 75 gallon aquarium. i was starting small to work up to the 75, but after my recent run of bad luck with individual fish, i think i may turn it into a terrarium.
we're having problems on O'ahu because an idiot threw their plants from their tank into a lake ... needless to say, the plants grew uncontrollably and the State is spending $$ on cleanup efforts.
I went from a betta in a bowl to 6 40 gallon breeding tanks and 6 40 gallon rearing tanks for discus. I reached the point where I was making my own filters and fabricated an air pump from a car emission system to supply air to all the tanks. It was a full time job...
No Prof...I took it to the lake and set it free. Yes I acclaimated it to the lake water for weeks before I set it free. :D
Lemme check.

Hmmm. Rapala, Shimano, Lucky lake lures, Reelers, Nope, no Turkey Heart Lures. Is that an american company? They might not have a supplier up here.

Bucktails, sticks, flyers, spinners, rattlers, cranks, poppers, Cripes, I've even got a minimouse in here. V2.0 must have slipped that into the basket at the shop and I didn't see it.

Crawfish, frogs, worms, grubs, leaches, spiders ... spiders? Oh, yeah, the missus picked them up at the hunting/ fishing/camping show last month.

I hope everyone's using non-lead weights this year.
They make non-lead weights now? Guess that would make sense, what are they using now?

I had an 8" Oscar that I let go in the lake behind my house a few years ago. I was moving and couldn't set my tank up right away, so I set the bucket in the lake for a couple hours to get the temp right, then added a some of the lake water to the bucket, waited a couple more hours, then let him go. I hope he's still there, that was a cool fish. Came over to me every time I walked up to the tank.
No idea what they're made of, but they're quite a bit shinier than the leads. Most painted jig heads are still lead, so I tend to paint my own. Better effects that way.
Professur said:
Lemme check.

Hmmm. Rapala, Shimano, Lucky lake lures, Reelers, Nope, no Turkey Heart Lures. Is that an american company? They might not have a supplier up here.

Bucktails, sticks, flyers, spinners, rattlers, cranks, poppers, Cripes, I've even got a minimouse in here. V2.0 must have slipped that into the basket at the shop and I didn't see it.

Crawfish, frogs, worms, grubs, leaches, spiders ... spiders? Oh, yeah, the missus picked them up at the hunting/ fishing/camping show last month.

I hope everyone's using non-lead weights this year.

Hum, all that gear... I once caught more fish using a stick and fishing line than my dad and brother between them. I was 10 at the time.... ho hum... :)
A good slimy earthworm will drag in a fish faster than any lure. And that's great if you're hungry. but not if you're fishing. I'll fish for hours, and throw back everything 'cept one or maybe two borderline sized fish. The bigguns go back to make more bigguns. The tiddlers go back to grow up some. And most of the rest go back to feed the bigguns.

But when you're pulling a crank bait through weeds and suddenly a 14" smallmouth hits it, grabs air, and starts trying to pull a 14' boat ... Who the hell's thinking about his stomach?