FLA. girl still missing....

I'm a firm believer in getting my own hands dirty. If you can't, or won't, do it yourself, is it worth doing?
the won't, part doesn't make since if you have family.
the can't is, How you gonna get in there to get um?
They can't always be in jail. Transport & high rises, and a 30.06, make great bedfellows.
did you ever see that movie about the civil war, where the yanks lined up
the rebels at the edge of a mine field, and made um walk through it.
I can't remember the name of that movie, but I've always that would be a
good use for these types of people.
There are no registered offenders in my hood, but there are 4 within walking distance of V2.0's school, two of which live on the same street as a friend. The friend didn't know that. Hadn't even bothered to look. :rolleyes:
where's the link to look um up?
I know there's at least 2 in this area, and one of then is an illegal alien,
and they won't even touch him. :confused:

We keep all the kids within site around here. (hawkeye)
So when one of the kids ends up in a ditch
a little vigilante justice will be in order!

Main Entry: vig·i·lan·te
Pronunciation: "vi-j&-'lan-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish, watchman, guard, from vigilante vigilant, from Latin vigilant-, vigilans
: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate); broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice
- vig·i·lan·tism /-'lan-"ti-z&m/ noun
Police find Jessica Lunsford's body
'She's home now,' girl's dad says; sex offender held in slaying

The body of missing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford was found early Saturday, a day after officials said a registered sex offender confessed to kidnapping and killing the girl.

March 19: A registered sex offender reportedly confessed to the kidnapping and murder of Jessica Lunsford, and told police where to find her body. Crews worked through the night in temperatures that dipped into the low 40s. Bright search lights were erected around the perimeter, and several candles left from a late-night vigil burned nearby. John Evander Couey, 46, confessed to kidnapping and killing Jessica after taking a lie-detector test Friday in Georgia, Dawsy said. She disappeared from her bedroom more than three weeks ago. .

Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy said Jessica’s body was found during an overnight search in a densely wooded area, only about 150 yards away from the home the girl shared with her father and grandparents. The body was found in the area around the trailer home of Couey’s half-sister

“Everyone heard me say, time after time, that she would be home,” Lunsford said, his eyes hidden behind dark black sunglasses. “She’s home now.”

John Evander Couey, 46, confessed to kidnapping and killing Jessica after taking a lie-detector test Friday in Georgia, Dawsy said. She disappeared from her bedroom more than three weeks ago. .

“We’re en route to bring him back home,” said Dawsy, who added that he wants Couey to face the death penalty.

“This guy is not a quality person, by any means. ... He’s truly a piece of trash,” the sheriff said.

Mark Lunsford has said the family did not know Couey, who was arrested Thursday.

“He may have interacted with Jessica,” Dawsy said. “But there is no relationship between Couey and this family.”

'He will pay'
At a news conference late Friday from Ohio, the girl’s mother, Angela Bryant, repeatedly made the same vow: Couey, she said, “will pay.”

“This man’s hurt too many people,” she said through tears. “He’s hurt too many children. And one of them is my daughter. He took her life from her and she didn’t deserve it. He will pay. He will pay. For hurting them children out there and my daughter, he will pay.”

:crying4: :crying4: Oh this poor family :crying4:

Watching the Mom and Dad talk was just heart breaking......I hope they fry him this time.
It seems it took the dogs too long to find her, if they are the way they did find her.
I think they need new dogs or somethin'

My dogs dig shit up around here that's been buried 3-4' deep.
Hell I have to use my backhoe really get rid of some shit. :D
Come On! Has everyone been following the news and all the sex offenders crap that has been happening here in FLA. ?????
I mean being realistic...how the hell can we get rid of these assholes that keep doing this, I thought for the guys cut their d**** off, but then what the heck do you do with the woman, and then that would not even stop them from killing them. Something has got to be done with these jerks!!!
catocom said:
He was arrested in Savannah Prof.
That's like a whole different country.

Didn't you see "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" ? :D

now that, was a bloody fantastic movie....freaky as hell though
Well between the shoot to kill instead of running away
and lojack for perverts laws I'm getting envious of Fla!

Just WTF is goin’ on down there anyhow?

Fergit about that "they are doin' thus and such in
Kalifornia and Massachusetts so soon we'll be
doin' it everywhere else in the nation crap"

Let's get the shoot the bad guys and track the pre-verts
stuff a goin' on nationwide I say!