
Heh I liked VideoBruce jumping in and having a say with his 1st and probably only post. I know him from amdmb and techspot. I could simplify that thread to one short sentence "Because we said so, Because we could, its my ball and your not playing with it". Dean, your so right about that guy. Thats a round the world power trip! :evil:
Deanril said:
You live in seatle washington? Thats where he resides.

No, I'm in Missouri, but it looks a whole lot like him. Sounds like him too.
"Do not fear me, fear the way you disagree with me."

AHHAHHAHHAHHAAAAAA!! That's the funniest fucking thing I've read from an admin in a looooong time. What a moron.
You'd think someone of his age would know the meaning of forum isn't "A place to have one persons opinion forced upon you".
heh, now that's a fan...

This isn't demo-ware! It's fully functional with no nag screens or time limits - use it as often as you like for as long as you like. Released as ShonenWare, you can support the program's future development by purchasing any album by the female, Japanese power-trio Shonen Knife! They are an amazing band who's music I dearly love. By supporting them you not only make me happier, but can perhaps help make the entire world a happier place!
Ill let you know Guys/Flavio when I start posting. Im not going to be nice, its not nice to be nice, if you know what I mean, but this guy has it coming, He will delete my stuff quickly, Ill be a few different people. The dialectizer is going to work great here

Also the complaint generator>> http://hugin.sigusr1.org/~pakin/complaint

Let me give you an example of the complaint generator, hmmmm Ill use IpMoof, no offense intended.:beerbang:
I think I'll confound my critics by devoting this letter not to describing cynical savages in general, but Mr. IpMoof in particular. Unless you share my view that the human community has had the same basic problem with metagrobolism all along, ever since the second human being walked erect, there's no need for you to hear me further. When I'm through with him, he'll think twice before attempting to cheat on taxes. Try as I may, I can't understand why he would want to make me the target of a constant, consistent, systematic, sustained campaign of attacks.

In that respect, we can say that if you've read this far, then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. There are three points I need to make here. First, IpMoof's particular brand of incendiarism will turn once-flourishing neighborhoods into zones of violence, decay, and moral disregard in a lustrum or two. Second, the public perception is that he is unable to use the English language effectively or correctly. And third, he insists that public opinion is a reliable indicator of what's true and what isn't. Sorry, IpMoof, but, with apologies to Gershwin, "it ain't necessarily so." You may be shocked to hear this, but all the deals he makes are strictly one-way. IpMoof gets all the rights, and the other party gets all the obligations.

I have given this issue a great deal of thought, and I now have a strong conviction that what he is doing falls just short of giving handguns to schoolchildren. Well, that's getting away from my main topic, which is that if IpMoof had even a shred of intellectual integrity, he'd admit that everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that if he had done his homework, he'd know that if I have a bias, it is only against slimy knuckle-draggers who preach fear and ignorance. The crux of the issue is that IpMoof's ability to capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of the current historical moment can be explained, in large part, by the following. But even if we disregard all that and examine only IpMoof's diabolic bait-and-switch tactics, this seems to me to be enough to show that once people obtain the critical skills that enable them to think and reflect and speculate independently, they'll realize that IpMoof's dupes often reverse the normal process of interpretation. That is, they value the unsaid over the said, the obscure over the clear.

In purely political terms, I'm sure IpMoof wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on his secret conversations. So why does he want to destroy the heart and fabric of our nation? We should be able to look into our own souls for the answer. If we do, I suspect we'll find that I'm not writing this letter for your entertainment. I'm not even writing it for your education. I'm writing it for our very survival. No matter what terms are used, only the assembled and concentrated might of a national passion rearing up in its strength can point out that the emperor has no clothes on. So what's the connection between that and his words? The connection is that IpMoof is stepping over the line when he attempts to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest -- way over the line. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that his zingers are an icon for the deterioration of the city, for its slow slide into crime, malaise, and filth. I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to take steps against the whole intellectually stultified brotherhood of materialistic fast-buck artists. And just let him try and stop me.

IpMoof can't possibly believe that he has a "special" perspective on jingoism which carries with it a "special" right to abet ethnic genocide, dictatorships, and churlish stirrers. He's stupid, but he's not that stupid. He whines about satanic goofballs, yet IpMoof enthusiastically supports what I call villainous spoilsports. In a recent essay, he stated that he understands the difference between civilization and savagery. Since the arguments he made in the rest of his essay are based in part on that assumption, he should be aware that it just isn't true. Not only that, but if we pave the way for people of every sex, race, and socioeconomic status to fulfill their own spiritual destiny, then the sea of diabolism, on which he so heavily relies, will begin to dry up. I would never take a job working for IpMoof. Given his presumptuous, mad modes of thought, who would want to? As it turns out, anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that he would have us believe that anyone who dares to embark on a new path towards change can expect to suffer hair loss and tooth decay as a result. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But IpMoof is surrounded by grotesque worrywarts who parrot the same nonsense, which is why he wants us to believe that psychotic card sharks have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us. How stupid does he think we are? Well, I asked the question, so I should answer it. Let me start by saying that I am now in a position to define what I mean when I say that he doesn't shower often enough. What I mean is that IpMoof is locked into his present course of destruction. He does not have the interest or the will to change his fundamentally baleful smear tactics. I would like to go on, but I do have to keep this letter short. So I'll wrap it up by saying that blaming subversive frotteurism on infernal bureaucrats is one of Mr. IpMoof's favorite themes.
Deanril said:
Let me give you an example of the complaint generator, hmmmm Ill use IpMoof, no offense intended.:beerbang:

None taken. In fact, "blaming subversive frotteurism on infernal bureaucrats" is one of my favourite pastimes. :)

I love auto-complaint generator threads when people don't coin on and spend hours writing a retort. Fucking hilarious...
