Flipping through the pages of a magazine ...


New Member
and what do I see? A picture of my sister!! :eek:

A friend of mine has a Japanese magazine devoted to Hula, and there's a picture of my sister in it!! Wow. She's a magazine model in Japan :eek:
not only that, but she's a centerfold :D

dang ... she's on the same page as my aunty Nalani ... that's ... honorific ...
here it is ...

in the top left hand corner is my aunty Nalani (the woman I'm named after), her husband and my cousin Kuha'o. I'm sure you all recognize the finger in the pic as well :D


ashley_mag.jpg, 86.27kb

and just for you, Nixy, here's one of men dancing hula and wearing a malo :)


men_in_malo.jpg, 55.81kb

damn! *thinking i should've made time for that manicure*

I can't believe my sis made it on the same page as a famous hula teacher and a Carnegie-hall performer.

Speaking of Carnegie hall, how many members here can say they've performed there? ;) Leiola ... err, I mean Nalani? (sorry, inside joke) :p
kuulani said:
damn! *thinking i should've made time for that manicure*

I can't believe my sis made it on the same page as a famous hula teacher and a Carnegie-hall performer.

Speaking of Carnegie hall, how many members here can say they've performed there? ;) Leiola ... err, I mean Nalani? (sorry, inside joke) :p






I was ... there ... I was at .. Carnegie Hall .. I swear it ... the blonde stage ... the beautiful acoustics ... my chant solo ... *sniff* ...

shaddup ku'u :p
Very nice finger Ku'u! :D

mmmmmmm sexy Hawaiian men is easy acces malos!
That is quite exciting Nalani. By the way, for the record, what do Japanese tourist rags or Hula media pay centerfolds these days? :biker:
That is quite exciting Nalani. By the way, for the record, what do Japanese tourist rags or Hula media pay centerfolds these days? :biker:

somewhere around the "not a damned zen" range :D
*memo to self* keep ash away from puters, bulletin boards, the entire State of Georgia, and unc
unc vs. skinny teenage boyfriend?

hmm ... unc might have strength and cunning on his side, but the boyfriend probably has speed and agility ... hmm, tough call.
not to mention the skinny teenager has all the other skinny teenager cousins ... and their dads ... the not-so-skinny uncles :D