Florida contingent ...

yeah, i haven't seen them around today.

i saw Ards a few hours ago, but not anymore.....
they didn't answer?

*knocking on their door*
Hey, what are you guys doing in there?!

Aack! My eyes! I'm blinded!
Actually, you are right. I guess that is from yesterday. Or at least in the middle of the night. In any case - I'm here now! (No Ards is not vacuuming - he only does that on Thursday's. On Monday's and Tuesday's it's "or something". :p

you can look at the date/time at which the post was posted (talk about being redundant :D), ok, just look below the avatar, location and posts, the date/time should be there.
Unless Hawaii is on the other side of the international date line - which I don't think it is. But if it were, then today would be yesterday. Or is that tomorrow would be today?
ohhhh yeah, they are like 5 or 6 hours behind me.

btw, does the time match your area time, if not go and edit your profile.

first post was 8:45pm, i think that in Florida is 9:45pm.
It was 9:45 PM in EST or EDT or whtever the hell it is at this time of the year! I don't thikn it was 1:45am in florida! :eek: It would have only been 3:45AM in The Netherlands and Germany!
my thoughts preciselly, you should go and edit your profile, i think GMT -4 will be the one that matches you. (even thou i think you're GMT -5, but the board does not support summer time).
Yeah yeah yeah - I had my timezone screwed up. Never worried about it before. Nope, guess we weren't around 8:45pm yesterday.

I'm here now though!!! Have been just about all day!!! :D
Janimal said:
Unless Hawaii is on the other side of the international date line - which I don't think it is. But if it were, then today would be yesterday. Or is that tomorrow would be today?

But if tomorrow is today, then yesterday wouldn't be yesterday, 'cause today would be yesterday :confuse3:
