Florida-Ohio St.


Well-Known Member
I just got home and turned on the TV and see that Florida just scored a touchdown to go up 21-7. With my grandfather being a Florida alumnus, I'd love to see the Gators win... but I had no idea that it might actually happen.
Amazingly good play from the Gators.

I must say that I despise said Gators, but watching them dismantle the Ohio State juggernaut is like admiring a fine painting.
Yeah, looks like they are past the point of being jinxable. :D

I'm not a fan of either UF or FSU, just cheering for the local team.

Sharky, loyal Georgia Tech fan since 1960.
Watching this without OSU's star running back in the game kinda sucks. Not really the game I was hoping to see.

It'd be like if the Chargers go to the Superbowl and can't use LT.

Oh well.

I have been for a while now, haven't I?

In retrospect, this was an ideal matchup for Florida. They have an outstanding pass rush, one that OSU had not seen anywhere near that good (the best defense they played previously was Illinois, and that's not saying much). Losing Ginn early as well as falling behind made OSU's running game a lot less effective. Also, Florida's offense is designed to tear up zone coverages, which OSU almost exclusively runs on defense. No wonder Leak completed more than 2/3 of his passes. OSU couldn't get anything else as their defense couldn't stop Florida, their offense went nowhere and their special teams never got opportunities because of the other two's failures. This combined with the Boise State phenomenal win (still in awe from that one) furthers the argument for a playoff system...
I think the SEC is rigged with pro players & Ohio anything is bad in my book so I ignored this.

Go Sun Devils!!!
Did the Gators seem pissed????

As we all know though, there is an undefeated team.
OOo... Boise State... I'm sooo scared.

They whipped up on:
Sacramento State (who?)
Oregon State (decent)
Wyoming (yawn)
Hawai'i (decent)
Utah (above average)
Louisiana Tech (joke)
New Mexico State (perennial whipping boy)
Idaho (Idawho?)
Fresno State (dead fish this year)
San Jose State (decent)
Utah State (pathetic)
Nevada (decent)

I think Oregon State was the only vaguely ranked opponent in their mix. There is just no real power in their schedule.

They did a good miracle rescue against Oklahoma though. Twas the most entertaining bowl of the year by far.

They do own the longest win streak as of now since Ohio crashed and burned.
They faced every team on their schedule and beat them all. And they should get extra votes for that Fiesta Bowl game. If you're not going to have a playoff, I think you gotta give the team with the most wins the title.
I agree that there needs to be a proper playoff system and the teams need to be shuffled around to make everyone play a properly weighted schedule. The trouble is that there are 4 times the teams in college over the pros and getting a proper playoff pyramid would probably take 2 months.
I agree that there needs to be a proper playoff system and the teams need to be shuffled around to make everyone play a properly weighted schedule. The trouble is that there are 4 times the teams in college over the pros and getting a proper playoff pyramid would probably take 2 months.

I think if you took the top eight you'd be assured of getting the best teams in there. That's only three weeks. You'd still have teams bitching about not getting in, but there's unlikely to be more than one or two undefeateds and you can rate everyone else. I always watch the smaller schools playoffs at the end of the season. Much more exciting than the major schools. Besides, if they'd get their heads out of ther asses at the BCS they'd see it would be like a license to print money. It would certainly be better than what we have now. :shrug: You could rotate the championship game like they did before this year and fill out the rest with early round losers and ranked teams that didn't get picked. Plus, they could go back to playing for the title on New Year's Day like it should be.
I watched this from the comfort of my hospital bed with my best friend Dilautid (sp?) at my side. I watched the pregame stuff. I have one question for that smart-ass OSU comedian/alumni they showed before the game:

Think you know what the Gator chomp is now, asshole?
I think the touble goes all the way to the core of the days of old. Regionalism like the SEC, ACC, Big East were all born out of a lack of easy travel many, many years ago. Regional champions made their journies to their regional bowls.. like the SEC going to the Sugar Bowl and the Pac10 heading to the Rose Bowl. They would all play their little mini-championships and all claim to be king.

As the modern era took hold and teams could move around they allowed a certain bit of intermixing of their schedule ... but kept the old kingdoms intact.

The BCS bs is a cockamamy bit of shadowpuppetry to try and bring order to ego and chaos... and failing miserably. Its like a three-legged table being shimmed up with 50 decks of cards under the fourth leg spot and pretending that its fixed.