Football Time is near


molṑn labé
Staff member
Almost time to watch the baseball players strike, which in turn will make the NFL more interesting.

Any thoughts on the new alignment? Conferences? Patriots stealing the game?
I wanna move to Champaign for this season. I hope playing down there won't hurt Da Bears too much this year, they've got a very hard schedule this year after their awesome season last year. When's the last time you saw back to back come from two scores behind to tie and win in OT with an INT returned for a TD by the same guy each time? If you said less than one year, you're right. :D
I love football season. Gives me the perfect reason to sit in my recliner for six hours on a Sunday. :headbang:
What's wrong with watching football with a big bag of patatoe chips in one hand, and a beer in the other? :confuse3:

Growing up, I HATED football season with a passion. It always cut into the Saturday morning/afternoon lineup. It would particularly piss me off when they would cut re-runs of Star Trek for football games. Damn 'em!

I can take football a little bit better now. Ards and I will actually sit down and watch a game every now and again. Not too often though mind you and certainly not with beer n chips.
50 + 1? That's as close as it gets....

I believe I'm 53 currently, but I'm only 1.75 meters or something :)
i remember when i was 17, i was 1.80m and 55kg.

With time it only increases, now i'm 1.83m and 67kg.
I'm 1.94m and 90kg. I'm fairly big. Kids never picked a fight with me. I wrestled when I was younger too... Could do some mean throws hehe. (Not WWF style thank you very much)