For Southern and Pissed off.

Better than bein' a namby pamby poosie.

When I was a kid you didn't mouth off unless
you were ready willing and able to 'back it up'.

Today people run around mouthing off and
if anything happens they are the 'victims'.

Yeah victims of their own stoopidity!

The folks behind this desire to raise a bunch
of bubble-wrapped pantywaists gotta nuther thing a comin'

How about it Bish, if some protected 'minority'
got in yer wive's face screamming yelling spittle
sprayin' all 'getting up on her' in 'her space' bellowing
obesenities, why can I visualize you cowering in fear?
Trying to be a fly on the wall, a mouse in the corner?
An innocent bystander?

Winky said:
How about it Bish, if some protected 'minority'
got in yer wive's face screamming yelling spittle
sprayin' all 'getting up on her' in 'her space' bellowing
obesenities, why can I visualize you cowering in fear?
Trying to be a fly on the wall, a mouse in the corner?
An innocent bystander?

First of all, I'd be laughing my head off as he squirmed on the ground from crushed nuts. I wouldn't even have to lift a finger. :rofl: Mediteranian women rock!

There a big difference between seeking non-violent solutions to confrontations and running away or hiding from them. Here's how it goes...see if you can follow along.

harm not when holding is enough
wound not when harming is enough
maim not when wounding is enough
kill not when maiming is enough
the greatest warrior is he who never has to kill.

If I can avoid a fight, so be it. If I have to fight, so be it. Teaching kids that there ARE in fact non-violent solutions to confrontations will not make them namby-pamby...but it might stop them from getting fired and arrested for punching out the boss who got in their face.
btw re: link

So...what you're saying is that Jones was in the right for giving the guy a broken eye socket and nose, a concussion and a chipped tooth for the horrendous crime of commenting about Jones' girlfriend cutting into the line?

Maybe Jones was right in throwing the first sucker punch?
Maybe Jones' GF was right in getting all up in cel-phone buddy's face?

Actually...WTF are you saying with this?
Good job Big Guy your response is classic:
"First of all, I'd be laughing my head off"

out of fear no doubt, so your way of the warrior is to titter like a school gurl?

"I wouldn't even have to lift a finger."

so you let yer lil lady 'stick-up fer herself'

prolly 'sticks up for you too'? sic em honey!

"There a big difference between seeking non-violent solutions to confrontations and running away or hiding from them."

So is that what you will teach your future namby-pamby
offspring? I taught my kid well.

There are only a few things worth fighting for.

and once he got to be taller than nearly everyone else
(including the teachers) in 7th grade

You aren't a child anymore and Men fight to win

winning can include hospital stays, court dates or death so

don't fight unless you are defending the things on the very short list of things worth fighting for and in that case fight to win.

I'd hate to think of some guy's daughter being out with yer pamby Son and someone wanting 'a piece of that'.

no amount of scrubbing will get all the tire tracks offa yer kids back out in the real werld.
With your way of twisting words..I'm surprised that you've got any teeth left in your face.

Winky said:
Good job Big Guy your response is classic:
"First of all, I'd be laughing my head off"

out of fear no doubt, so your way of the warrior is to titter like a school gurl?

"I wouldn't even have to lift a finger."

so you let yer lil lady 'stick-up fer herself'

prolly 'sticks up for you too'? sic em honey!
So...what you're saying is that anyone who approaches your wife...your first responce is to kick them in the teeth. Avon ladies must love you. I've said it we go again. Don't fuck with my family. Don't fuck with my kid. There is a big difference between someone arguing with my wife and someone trying to hit her. Your wife like it when you treat her like a porcelin doll? She even allowed out of the house? Don't stand up for your rights...that's my job?
Winky said:
So is that what you will teach your future namby-pamby
offspring? I taught my kid well.

There are only a few things worth fighting for.

and once he got to be taller than nearly everyone else
(including the teachers) in 7th grade

You aren't a child anymore and Men fight to win

winning can include hospital stays, court dates or death so

don't fight unless you are defending the things on the very short list of things worth fighting for and in that case fight to win.
You're contradicting yourself Wink. "There are only a few things worth fighting for." and "When I was a kid you didn't mouth off unless
you were ready willing and able to 'back it up'.
" so...anything anyone says or does is on the short list? That's hardly a 'few things'.

I have a short list. Its gotten me into 3 fights. They were 'worth it'. Like I said. "If I can avoid a fight, so be it. If I have to fight, so be it." and "know when the fight is over".

Winky said:
I'd hate to think of some guy's daughter being out with yer pamby Son and someone wanting 'a piece of that'.

no amount of scrubbing will get all the tire tracks offa yer kids back out in the real werld.
...and no amount of "That's not what I meant" is going to get that toe-tag off of your kid's foot because he decided that a leer was worth his life.
Does anyone hear a 'car alarm' going off?

mebbe it's just that Kitty Genovese wailing again

Honey while yer up git me 'nother beer please *burrp*
As to link 1: Car alarms. I like that. Sums up the annoyance level nicely

Link 2:
Among the mindless training exercises teachers undergo is the "Caring Being" session. Collins quotes a conflict-resolution expert in Brooklyn leading middle-school educators through the lesson: "I want you all to share a time in your career as an educator where someone did or said something that made you feel like you were not cared for or respected. . . . Now do the opposite." After drawing figures encompassing their negative and positive experiences, teachers shared their finished products, "Caring Beings," which would be used to "explore creating agreements around behaviors."



Link 3: I wonder if his old lady ever got that pizza?

I too was raised to keep your weenie washer shut unless you were ready willing and able to back it up. I have never thrown the first punch...but I've been known to throw the last one a few times.

And why did you think of me when you read those articles anyway? :swing:
"American children badly need moral clarity. But our education establishment is too uneasy about the idea of moral judgment to meet this elementary need. Feelings of helplessness and disorientation are thoroughly, even compulsively, canvassed, elicited, discussed, and promoted; by contrast, feelings of moral indignation and condemnation are deflected and downplayed. This leaves children defenseless, clueless and unprepared to meet real and grave threats to their own and the nation's future."

Although this is sure to piss off some folks (who's ideas of 'right and wrong' are we going to teach), I think having a good moral compass os essential in the world. If that had been taught in the eighties and nineties, by the students of the drug-induced sixties and seventies, we wouldn't be hearing this bullshit today, anyway. :shrug:
True, but it isn't the responsibility of the educational system to provide that. It's the job of the parents. BTW, that also neatly addresses the "whose standards" question as well.

The sorry state of the educational system in this country is a mere reflection of the equally sorry state of parenting.
HomeLAN said:
True, but it isn't the responsibility of the educational system to provide that. It's the job of the parents. BTW, that also neatly addresses the "whose standards" question as well.

The sorry state of the educational system in this country is a mere reflection of the equally sorry state of parenting.
There are certain tasks which must be shared between parents and educators. One reinforces the other. The problem happens when one side (often the parents) don't do their part in teaching morals and accepteable behavior and just let their little devils loose on the school-grounds. Then everyone grumbles when the teachers are forced to start 'non-violence' and 'anti-racial' programs, which wouldn't be necessary if the parents had actually done something at home.
If Johnny isn't being "raised right" at home, no effort by the system will correct those ills. By the same token, if he IS being raised right, it's damned difficult for the system to corrupt that (can be done, but it's tough - the parents will be sinking in massive amounts of time to purge the poisons on a daily basis - I'll be going private school so that we can do a few other things with our time together).

Values should be taught at home, the three R's should be taught in schools.
MrBishop said:
By all means...every American child should be taught to kick the crap out of every person who looks at them crooked. Shoot first, corpses don't ask questions.

Fuckin' A right
MrBishop said:
harm not when holding is enough
wound not when harming is enough
maim not when wounding is enough
kill not when maiming is enough
the greatest warrior is he who never has to kill.

If you're gonna steal a quote, even one as lame as the BloodGuard oath, at least have the good grace to credit the author.